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2023-02-03 09:01:50 +08:00
回复了 kaiki 创建的主题 iOS iOS 下有不越狱的蜂窝网络修改 DNS 的方法吗?
iOS15 或以上版本可以使用描述文件修改 DNS ,具体参考: https://tanronggui.xyz/t/709520
2023-01-06 10:54:59 +08:00
回复了 dtgxx 创建的主题 问与答 如何把两个显示器合并成一个宽屏?
@dtgxx 感觉是不需要的。显卡只要能识别到这两台显示器就行,至于是通过何种方法连接的应该没有影响。
2022-11-21 17:04:01 +08:00
回复了 creeeeezy 创建的主题 宽带症候群 如何监控家里的网络情况?
补充一下 这个需要家里有公网,设置好 DDNS ,然后在 uptime kuma 上设置 Ping 或者 TCP 端口监控。
2022-11-21 17:02:14 +08:00
回复了 creeeeezy 创建的主题 宽带症候群 如何监控家里的网络情况?
VPS 上部署 uptime kuma ,可以设置多种检测方式和通知方式
2022-11-16 21:05:58 +08:00
回复了 baibing 创建的主题 宽带症候群 我家的电信宽带应该算成都性价比最高的了
武汉联通 1000M 宽带 1000 分钟通话 60G 流量 一个月 59 不过优惠期只有两年
2022-05-23 22:01:04 +08:00
回复了 cppc 创建的主题 问与答 国产化操作系统适配,求推荐测试机构
ARM 技术路线:鲲鹏、飞腾
MIPS 技术路线:龙芯
x86 路线:海光、兆芯

操作系统:银河麒麟、统信 UOS
2022-05-23 17:15:39 +08:00
回复了 poweredsolitude 创建的主题 程序员 mobaxterm 这个软件怎么多端同步呀?
绿色版 MobaXterm 会优先读取系统 AppData 目录下的 MobaXterm.ini 配置文件,如果该文件不存在才会读取主程序同目录下的配置文件,可能你的系统 AppData 下面已经有了配置文件。我目前是将绿色版 MobaXterm 主程序和配置文件放在 OneDrive 里面同步,但是两台设备不能同时使用,否则同步会有冲突,而且每次开机之后需要等 OneDrive 同步完其他设备上最新的配置文件之后再启动 MobaXterm ,要不然可能导致自动将旧的配置文件重命名,然后生成新的空白配置文件。
2022-05-20 08:50:41 +08:00
回复了 FryFryFry 创建的主题 分享发现 加粗单词前半部分可以提高阅读效率
2022-05-19 08:54:13 +08:00
回复了 YoungChan 创建的主题 问与答 关于华硕路由器选择的问题
OP 可以参考下这个视频
2022-05-16 08:08:48 +08:00
回复了 Suonna 创建的主题 问与答 为何短视频,总喜欢不明所以的用字母代替文字?
@nishuoshenme 我见过 LOL 助手推荐出装发言被吞的: 厄斐**超神出装已装备。
2022-05-05 16:06:07 +08:00
回复了 starlz 创建的主题 全球工单系统 你们的向日葵客户端今天还能登录吗
2022-02-24 17:09:45 +08:00
回复了 yinghuansouqi 创建的主题 宽带症候群 网线线序的问题,纯好奇
@yinghuansouqi 如果是交叉线,现在的设备一般会自动翻转,也能通;如果不是的话,通不了。
2022-02-24 17:03:58 +08:00
回复了 yinghuansouqi 创建的主题 宽带症候群 网线线序的问题,纯好奇
2022-01-15 16:13:20 +08:00
回复了 WanzizZ 创建的主题 微信 微信 iOS 版更新 终于加入语音消息播放暂停功能
3.支持方言转换为文字( 2050 年隆重推出)
2021-11-21 21:15:36 +08:00
回复了 0x4F5DA2 创建的主题 iPad 大家的旧 iPad 还在吗,还在发光发热吗
安装一个 spacedesk ,当笔记本或者台式机的无线第二屏,要是有更多设备,还可以第三屏,第四屏……
0:00:00 Title
0:06:16 Above the Treetops
0:10:48 Ça Va Bien
0:12:56 Floral Life
0:15:13 Go Picnic
0:16:26 Rest N Peace
0:19:21 Moonlight Shadow
0:21:59 When the Morning Comes
0:25:08 Missing You
0:27:34 Nightmare
0:30:45 Highland Star
0:34:42 Bad Guys
0:38:20 Subway
0:41:39 Blue Sky
0:44:20 Jungle Book
0:47:57 Sleepy Wood
0:50:44 Ancient Move
0:55:04 Evil Eyes
1:00:32 Beach Way
1:03:48 Funny Rabbit
1:05:34 Funny Rabbit Faster
1:07:10 White Christmas
1:10:13 Play with Me

1:12:58 Upon the Sky
1:15:57 Arab Pirates
1:20:42 Shinin' Harbor
1:22:37 Come with Me
1:25:58 Warm Regard
1:28:46 Snowy Village
1:31:21 Wolf Wood
1:34:06 Abandoned Mine
1:37:04 Hell Gate
1:39:34 Mine Quest
1:42:39 Welcome to the Hell
1:45:38 Final Fight
1:47:06 Flying in a Blue Dream
1:49:56 Fantastic Thinking
1:52:24 Waltz for Work
1:53:59 Wherever You Are
1:57:07 Funny Time Maker
1:59:06 High Enough
2:02:43 Let's March
2:05:02 For the Glory
2:08:00 Let's Hunt Aliens
2:10:07 Finding Forest

2:12:37 Fantasia
2:15:08 Dark Shadow
2:17:17 They're Menacing You
2:19:33 Fairy Tale
2:22:03 Fairy Tale Diff. Ver.
2:24:48 Bizarre Tales
2:27:33 Timeless
2:29:31 Timeless B
2:31:26 The Way Grotesque
2:34:48 Time Attack
2:36:46 Blue World
2:39:02 Aquarium
2:41:27 Shining Sea
2:44:25 Down Town
2:47:13 Dark Mountain

2:50:07 Deep Sea
2:52:42 Aqua Cave
2:55:12 Ancient Remain
2:57:16 Ruin Castle
2:59:43 Water Way
3:02:18 Eregos
3:04:31 Coke Town
3:07:08 Tower of Goddess
3:09:21 Plot of Pixie
3:11:33 Leafre
3:14:10 Minar's Dream
3:16:22 Ancient Forest
3:18:44 Dragon Road
3:21:17 Dragon Nest
3:23:43 Cave of Horntail
3:26:05 Horntail
3:28:29 Thai Town
3:30:50 Thai Field
3:33:12 Yo Taipei
3:35:26 Night Market
3:38:04 Night Field
3:40:32 Feeling
3:43:05 Bizarre Forest
3:44:55 Go Shanghai
3:47:07 Shanghai Field

3:49:49 Mureung Hill
3:52:20 Mureung Forest
3:54:42 White Herb
3:57:07 Pirate
3:59:39 Ariant
4:02:00 Hot Desert
4:04:19 Sunset Desert
4:06:57 Dispute
4:09:32 Amoria
4:12:12 Haunted House
4:14:33 Nautilus
4:16:35 In Nautilus
4:19:07 Fight Sand

4:21:15 Ellin Forest
4:23:36 Poison Forest
4:26:02 Temple of Time
4:28:19 Remembrance
4:30:33 Repentance
4:33:14 Forgetfulness
4:35:45 Dusk of God
4:37:54 Fighting Pink Bean
4:40:21 Mureung School 1
4:41:09 Mureung School 2
4:42:06 Mureung School 3
4:42:58 Mureung School 4
4:43:49 Queen's Garden
4:45:48 Raindrop Flower
4:47:51 Drill Hall

4:49:55 Wolf and Sheep
4:52:27 Witch Tower
4:55:07 Snow Drop
4:57:57 Rien Village
5:01:10 Crystal Cave
5:03:32 Nett's Pyramid
5:05:27 Ghost Ship
5:07:40 Kerning Square Subway
5:10:19 Kerning Square
5:13:22 Kerning Square Field
5:15:50 Tera Forest
5:18:19 2021 Year
5:20:38 2099 Year
5:23:03 2215 Year
5:25:05 2230 Year
5:27:18 2503 Year
5:29:21 Dragon Rider

5:31:34 Golden Temple Town
5:34:04 Golden Temple Field
5:36:34 Golden Temple Dungeon
5:40:17 Secret Flower
5:42:44 Edelstein City
5:45:02 National Park
5:47:17 Underground Place
5:49:44 Low Grade Ore
5:52:16 Power Station
5:54:21 Gelimer Lab
5:56:34 Blizzard Castle
5:59:27 Crimson Tower
6:02:09 Lion Heart
6:05:03 Krease Field
6:07:08 Krease Agit
6:09:26 Krease Colosseum
6:12:06 Profession
6:13:59 Time Gate
6:16:26 Destruction Town
6:19:01 Knight's Stronghold
6:21:37 Cygnus Garden

6:24:14 Battle Entrance
6:26:30 Battle BGM Type A
6:28:36 Battle BGM Type B
6:30:37 Battle BGM Type C
6:32:54 Battle BGM Type D
6:35:15 Monster Park
6:37:33 Wind and Flower
6:39:48 Crack of Dimension
6:41:45 Altar of Akayrum
6:43:49 Injustice
6:45:56 Fly to the Moon
6:48:27 Dancing with the Moon

6:50:42 Rusty Throne
6:52:56 In Wartime
6:55:00 Red Witch
6:57:05 Fantastic Theme Park
6:59:29 Castle Outside
7:01:49 Castle Inside
7:04:01 Castle Boss
7:06:29 Peaceful Woods
7:08:41 Serenity
7:10:47 Great Temple
7:13:04 Pantheon
7:15:33 Pantheon Field
7:17:37 Nova Sanctum
7:20:09 Base of Betrayers
7:22:09 Border Area
7:24:18 Retake
7:26:21 Helisium War Cry
7:28:29 Helisium Mystic Forest
7:30:45 Helisium Field
7:32:51 Funky Black Market
7:35:04 Citadel of Tyrant
7:37:05 Trinity Force
7:39:12 The Final War
7:41:19 Evolving World
7:43:29 Gold Beach

7:45:47 In All Verity
7:47:52 Yggdrasil Prayer
7:50:06 Time Chaos
7:52:32 Joyful Tea Party
7:54:40 Queen Palace
7:56:54 Abyss Cave
7:59:06 Destruction Perion
8:01:16 Destruction Perion Shelter
8:03:19 The Raiders
8:05:26 The Living Mountain
8:07:43 The Colossal Heart
8:09:53 The Fairy Forest
8:11:57 The Fairy Academy
8:14:04 Mole King Rises
8:16:02 Faded Citadel
8:18:32 Glacier Adventure
8:20:35 Sailing
8:22:47 Tragic Forest
8:24:50 Stop in Hundreds
8:27:01 In Ruin in Vain
8:29:43 Stop in Ends
8:31:49 Tragic Restart
8:33:52 Hekaton
8:35:54 Dimension Library
8:37:57 The Aurora
8:40:16 The Stormy Forest

8:42:41 Venture into the Unknown
8:43:17 The Bottom of the Sea
8:45:23 Amusing Story in the Fairy Tale
8:47:30 Jungle in the Sea
8:49:46 Hazard from Cave
8:51:58 Strange Sort of Story
8:54:06 Urban Street
8:56:08 School Life
8:58:27 Battlefield
9:00:29 Hollow Attack

9:02:30 Junkyard
9:04:37 Haven Theme
9:06:49 Battle on the Deck
9:09:08 Big Machine
9:11:19 Secret Mission
9:12:50 Big Machine Mission
9:15:05 Gravity Core
9:17:11 Gravity Lord
9:19:18 Gravity Lord Rise

9:21:27 Pain and Sorrow
9:23:33 Climbing up the World Tree
9:25:35 The Tragic Fate of Demian
9:26:56 Demian True
9:28:28 Lake of Oblivion
9:30:03 Volcanic Zone of Extinction
9:31:27 Cave of Rest
9:32:42 Chew Chew Main Theme
9:33:51 Chew Chew Wild World
9:35:06 Lacheln, the Illusion City
9:36:35 Clock Tower of Nightmare
9:38:25 Weird Forest in the Girl's Dream
9:39:59 Broken Dream

9:41:23 The Tune of Azure Light
9:44:14 The Tune of Azure Light 2
9:47:08 Arcana Boss
9:48:41 Swamp of Memory, Morass
9:50:22 Memory of Kritias
9:52:02 Black Dungeon

9:52:32 Soup of Life
9:54:24 Contaminated Sea
9:55:59 Temple in the Mirror
9:57:35 Diffraction
9:59:10 Mirror Cage
10:00:40 Blood Cage
10:02:14 Outpost
10:03:44 War Cloud
10:05:10 Strange Fog
10:06:56 Wave of Emptiness
10:08:32 Ferocious Battlefield
10:10:20 Secret Labyrinth
10:11:51 Eternal Swamp
10:13:45 Heart of Suffering
10:15:39 Depth of Pain
10:17:21 Tears of the World
10:18:55 Subterminal Point
10:20:30 The World's End
10:21:56 Temple of Darkness
10:23:32 Throne of Darkness
10:25:33 World Horizon
10:26:53 Lost Space
10:27:49 New Beginning Not the End
@Jimson 重新上传了一份音频版 链接: https://cowtransfer.com/s/eba6f01e559347
2021-09-05 23:15:22 +08:00
回复了 droidmax61 创建的主题 4G 湖北移动屏蔽 Freenom 域名服务商的 5 大顶级域名解析
@droidmax61 对 多设置几个 总有一个能用的
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