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V2EX  ›  nAODI  ›  全部回复第 20 页 / 共 45 页
回复总数  890
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2013-05-26 16:43:54 +08:00
回复了 Rabbit52 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 菊爆大队期待你的加入!
@ccming 升级到最新版本,游戏设置里面可选中文 language
2013-05-26 13:19:47 +08:00
回复了 rebellion 创建的主题 上海 怎样学上海话
2013-05-26 13:17:52 +08:00
回复了 rebellion 创建的主题 上海 怎样学上海话
2013-05-25 20:00:01 +08:00
回复了 shao 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 终于有Attack Log了,录了个视频。
2013-05-23 09:37:27 +08:00
回复了 kstsca 创建的主题 问与答 给想买 Fitbit Flex 泼泼冷水
1. 对普通来说测心率的作用比你想的要小得多,当然运动员很需要。不过考虑到价格,没有此功能还是比较正常的。
2. 这个的确有点不够智能。不过手环型的产品已经比我现在用的 fitbit ultra 好多了。应该说是一个进步。
3. 同价位同类型的产品里头还没有一家能做到自动录入啊,而且中国膳食更加复杂。不过呢,完全不输入饮食数据也不会令「一天的记录废掉」那么夸张,完全可以正常用。
4. 无解,只能等,而且目测是等待戈多。
2013-05-19 01:44:06 +08:00
回复了 nAODI 创建的主题 Clash of Clans Chinatown 冲到世界排名第二
@xuan_lengyue 哈哈……很不错哦 :)
2013-05-16 15:10:57 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 健康 关于每天 10000 步
2013-05-16 11:02:39 +08:00
回复了 shao 创建的主题 Clash of Clans 该来的总会来的
10 条龙就是三十六万水,水再不值钱,性价比还是有点低。
2013-05-15 13:13:53 +08:00
回复了 nAODI 创建的主题 Clash of Clans Chinatown 冲到世界排名第二
@shao 哦?这个挺有意思,有详细些的内幕么?贴吧上的帖子看不下去……一帮粉玩个游戏都上升到为国争光的程度。囧。
2013-05-13 22:01:49 +08:00
回复了 Xrong 创建的主题 随想 怎么会有那么多人对自己的隐私不在乎呢?
初期用过一点宝石,然后想直接上五农民的话。花费大概在 68+128.
如果稍微有点耐心,等拿到 450 杯的 250 宝石奖励。那花的还要少。
2013-05-12 01:33:56 +08:00
回复了 guest 创建的主题 程序员 我移民了
2013-04-25 09:28:00 +08:00
回复了 kfc315 创建的主题 macOS MacUpdate Bundle 凑单买的 PD8 今天提示被列入黑名单
@Livid :P 我不仔细了……
2013-04-24 18:54:30 +08:00
回复了 kfc315 创建的主题 macOS MacUpdate Bundle 凑单买的 PD8 今天提示被列入黑名单
@Livid @y 在「交易」板块的侧边栏加一些提示?不仅是针对注册新用户这种比较初级的手法……所有买家占到便宜的交易,其实都应该心里有一些风险预估。
2013-04-23 13:00:38 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 酷工作 Opera 欧朋与 V2EX 合作推出的招聘专页
2013-04-18 12:10:34 +08:00
回复了 nAODI 创建的主题 Clash of Clans Clash of Clans 新版本更新中
1. To join a league, start by completing one multiplayer attack.

2. At the end of this attack, if your trophy count is higher than 400, you will be automatically placed into an appropriate league level (based on the league level's trophy range).

3. You will be promoted to a higher league or demoted to a lower league if your trophies reach certain limits (listed below) for your league.

4. While being part of a league, the following rules apply:
- Every player in a league gets the privilege to show off their league badge. The badge will appear next to your name in many game areas (e.g. chat, clan, tops, friends list). Yes, they are awesome!
- You will get a loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory (1, 2 or 3 stars). The bonus can be seen in the battle result screen.
- The loot bonus is not awarded for revenge attacks, defensive victories or single player attack victories.
- Each league will track both victories while attacking and victories while defending. You can see them near your name in your league screen. The victory counters automatically reset if your trophy count drops under 300 or when the season ends.
- There is no limit to the number of times you can get promoted or demoted during a season. Climb as high as you can, or drop as low as you can go; It is all up to you!
- You will be grouped with up to 100 players at a time in your league to help you gauge your progress. Each league will track the number of places you move up or own inside your own league group.

5. When a league season ends:
- All players are removed from their leagues and automatically become "unranked" (with the gray empty badge).
- The placement process will start all over, so complete another multiplayer attack to get placed back into a league. If you don't keep playing, you don't get to keep your badge!
- Even if you don't change your league level, you will get placed into a completely new league group after joining leagues again.

League levels:

Bronze III
Trophy range: 400 - 499
Lose your league ranking if trophy count drops to 300
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 500
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 400 Gold + 400 Elixir

Bronze II
Trophy range: 500 - 599
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 450
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 600
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 500 Gold + 500 Elixir

Bronze I
Trophy range: 600 - 799
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 550
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 800
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 750 Gold + 750 Elixir

Silver III
Trophy range: 800 - 999
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 700
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 1000
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 1100 Gold + 1100 Elixir

Silver II
Trophy range: 1000 - 1199
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 900
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 1200
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 1700 Gold + 1700 Elixir

Silver I
Trophy range: 1200 - 1399
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 1100
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 1400
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 2500 Gold + 2500 Elixir

Gold III
Trophy range: 1400 - 1599
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 1300
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 1600
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 3800 Gold + 3800 Elixir

Gold II
Trophy range: 1600 - 1799
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 1500
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 1800
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 5700 Gold + 5700 Elixir

Gold I
Trophy range: 1800 - 1999
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 1700
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 2000
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 8500 Gold + 8500 Elixir

Crystal III
Trophy range: 2000 - 2199
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 1900
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 2200
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 13000 Gold + 13000 Elixir

Crystal II
Trophy range: 2200 - 2399
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 2100
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 2400
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 19000 Gold + 19000 Elixir + 100 Dark Elixir

Crystal I
Trophy range: 2400 - 2599
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 2300
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 2600
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 29000 Gold + 29000 Elixir + 200 Dark Elixir

Master III
Trophy range: 2600 - 2799
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 2500
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 2800
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 43000 Gold + 43000 Elixir + 300 Dark Elixir

Master II
Trophy range: 2800 - 2999
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 2700
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 3000
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 65000 Gold + 65000 Elixir + 400 Dark Elixir

Master I
Trophy range: 3000 - 3199
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 2900
Promoted to a higher league if trophy count rises to 3200
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 80000 Gold + 80000 Elixir + 500 Dark Elixir

Trophy range: 3200+
Demoted to a lower league if trophy count drops to 3100
Loot bonus for every multiplayer attack victory: 100000 Gold + 100000 Elixir + 600 Dark Elixir
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