update 2025-01-21
配置好了, 走的是
https://oc-cx-en.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch/incidents.c$sc_country/85?prod=iaas发送「 Chat with a live agent 」,然后接入人工客服,向他们咨询「 reset my MFA 」
1)Registered email address and tenancy name.
2)Last 4 digits of your card number and expiration date associated to your account.(The card that was used during sign up)
3)Registered phone number
然后重新登录 「域 - Default 」(通过邮箱重置了密码登录),登录后验证添加新的 MFA
https://tanronggui.xyz/t/1020245 介绍的方法,配置了 OracleIdentityCloudService 域 的 2 步验证