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2022-06-01 17:29:18 +08:00
回复了 fanxasy 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 这 intel mbp 的散热我人都傻了
If your MacBook Pro runs hot or shows a high % CPU for the kernel task, try charging on the right and not on the left.
High kernel_task CPU Usage is due to high chassis temperature caused by charging. In particular Left Thunderbolt port usage.

Solutions include:

Move charging from the left to the right side. If you have a second charger then plug it in on the right side. Avoid plugging everything on the right side (see last paragraph below).
Unplug something from the left side. Either power or another accessory until the battery is full.
Force fans to max before plugging in. iStatMenus has an easy Sensors -> Fans menu item to do so. This only helps in marginal conditions.
Move to a cooler room.
If using both laptop display and external display try switching to just one or the other (I switched to external only, laptop lid closed). Some MBP (eg 15" Intel touchbar models) have a design quirk where this config can get hotter than it should.

看了一下文章 似乎电源插在右边比较好。。。
来源 https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/363337/how-to-find-cause-of-high-kernel-task-cpu-usage/363933#363933
2022-05-16 10:41:16 +08:00
回复了 bojackhorseman 创建的主题 Nintendo Switch ns 联网提示“nat 穿透失败”怎么办😢
自己折腾了一下 openwrt 可以给 switch 加速了,建议楼主想折腾可以研究下
2022-04-25 09:02:47 +08:00
回复了 changnet 创建的主题 生活 哎,又又又被房东赶出来了
广州七年搬了 5 次家。。。
2022-04-18 13:49:41 +08:00
回复了 copythat 创建的主题 酷工作 [广州] 外企内推_C#高级工程师_沟通良好_制造业
2022-03-31 15:10:52 +08:00
回复了 RiverMud 创建的主题 汽车 哪里能查到大陆地区销售的支持无线 Carplay 的汽车车型列表?
现在有外置型的 carplay 车载屏幕了,不知道有没有人用过 体验咋样
2022-03-26 10:20:24 +08:00
回复了 hashdog 创建的主题 酷工作 [广州|黄埔]C++开发工程师,直接走内推
2022-02-07 18:01:35 +08:00
回复了 root01 创建的主题 OpenWrt 大家有用树莓派做 openwrt 嘛
@Tyuans 真理财产品。。。3 年前买的 现在涨了 2 倍多。。。一摸一样的配置
2022-01-20 17:10:17 +08:00
回复了 futureeent 创建的主题 推广 [抽奖] 春节将至,整点烤虾带回家吧!
2021-12-23 10:53:01 +08:00
回复了 i66 创建的主题 推广 餐饮已转让。回山村卖特产腊肉... 例行抽奖 😊
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