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2013-02-22 22:10:50 +08:00
回复了 hfeeki 创建的主题 云计算 大家来讨论一下都有哪些系统配置工具最好用?
@fire9 Chef的这个改进很振奋人心啊!应该只是服务器改用erlang吧,客户端的代码应该无需变更吧。用chef开发过几个项目,觉得很好用。

有谁用过juju(https://juju.ubuntu.com/)的? 国内相关的资料很少,如果有相关经验的,能介绍一下吗?最好能够跟chef, puppet, ansible等之类的比较一下。
还是跟我以前给别人的建议一样,不要买笔记本,台式机+平板(iPad/Android Pad)是最佳配置,兼顾移动性、运算能力,如果是作开发用的,还兼顾PC开发和移动开发。笔记本现在纯粹就是一鸡肋,弃之可惜,食之无味。
2013-02-04 00:16:55 +08:00
回复了 ratatata 创建的主题 分享发现 刚刚接到一个来自公安部门的需求文档
因为要被扣分,本来不想发言的。其实最好的选择是2000多自己组装台台式机,剩下的钱可以买个iPad,这样计算与移动相结合,绝配,笔记本吧轻便不如iPad, 计算能力不如台式机,而且自己组装台式机还可以学习一些硬件知识,随时可以根据市场行情升级内存、cpu等硬件。而笔记本基本上就别想拆开来看了,更别说以后自行进行硬件升级。

都是只能兼职做,所以还是缺人啊,而且还没有前端设计、开发人员,人越多越好啊。发现nodejs目前很火,考虑可以都用nodejs进行开发。。。。 有谁还有啥好的想法、建议,请踊跃发言!!!
2013-02-02 00:54:37 +08:00
回复了 hfeeki 创建的主题 云计算 大家来讨论一下都有哪些系统配置工具最好用?
谁有用过Ansible? 介绍一下把!
2013-02-01 20:56:37 +08:00
回复了 liyafe1997 创建的主题 程序员 大家研究过如何把VPN转成sock5/http等代理吗
有了VPN,干吗还要SOCKs? 通过配置路由可以选择哪个网段走VPN,哪个网段不走VPN。你到底想达到什么目的呢?
2013-02-01 17:31:14 +08:00
回复了 ufo22940268 创建的主题 程序员 偷用公司vpn求指导
Reverse SSH Tunneling Network

Don’t have VPN access, but still want a secure way to connect between two networks? If so, please read below on how this can be done even if the remote site is blocking SSH with a firewall. This article assumes that you already have SSH servers setup on both remote and local sites. If not, It should be pretty straight forward to setup a SSH server on Windows with OpenSSH for windows or install on Linux with the below commands ran from the terminal window. The complete setup of SSH server is out of the scope of this article, so please refer to man pages or other online documentation.

#RedHat, Fedora, CentOS..most RPM based distros
yum install openssh-server openssh-client

#Ubuntu and other Debian based distros
sudo apt-get install ssh-server ssh-client

Setting up Remote SSH Servers connection to Local SSH Server

Here we are going to establish an SSH connection from the Remote Server to the Local Server. The following is the structure and break down of the command.

ssh -l <1> -nNT -f -R <2>:<3>:<4> <5> -p <6>

-l Login name
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.
-n This must be used when ssh is run in the background.
-N Do not execute a remote command.
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
<1> Remote SSH Servers user account to login as
<2> local SSH Server listening port
<3> Remote SSH Server internal IP
<4> Remote SSH Server port
<5> local SSH Server public IP (This is NATed to internal SSH server on port 22)
<6> local SSH Server public port to listen on


ssh -l jsmith -nNT -f -R 1100: -p 443

Establishing SSH Connection from Local SSH Server to Remote SSH Server

Now that we have the connection established from the Remote SSH Server to the Local SSH Server (now listening on port 1100) we can now login to the Remote SSH Server using the reverse SSH Tunnel. First verify that the tunnel is setup and listening on port 1100 on the Local SSH Server by running the following as root:

netstat -tupnl | grep :1100
#This should return with the following:
# tcp 0* LISTEN

Now that you have verified that the port is up and listening, run the following from the Local SSH Servers terminal:

ssh -D -p 1100 localhost

This will log you in to the Remote SSH Server and also setup another listening port (1234) to be used later for using Socks Proxy Connections. When prompted for password, login with the password of the Remote SSH Servers account. In this example it would be the password for the user jsmith.
Setup Port Forwarding for RDP on Local SSH Server

This one is a little tricky. We are going to now setup the Local SSH Server to Forward all requests it receives for port 3389, and send them through the Reverse SSH Tunnel (established on port 1100 of Local SSH Server) and onto the Remote App Server. From the terminal of the Local SSH Server, type in the following:

ssh -L <local SSH Server user>@localhost -p 1100

Now check to see if port 3389 is listening on the Local SSH Server.

netstat -tupnl | grep :3389
#This should return with the following:
# tcp 0* LISTEN

Remote Desktop into Remote App Server via RDP from Local Workstation

Now that we have everything setup, you should be able to remote desktop into the Remote App Server by pointing your RDP client, on Local Workstation, to the IP address of the Local SSH Server (ie.
Using Socks Proxy on Local Workstation to connect to Remote App Server

Earlier when we made our original connection to the Remote SSH Server, we used port (1234) for Local network to connect to. To bring up a web page that is running on any Remote Network Server, just configure your Local Workstation Browser for Socks 5 Proxy and put in the IP address of the Local SSH Server ( and port (1234). Waalahh!! You have now setup a Reverse SSH Tunnel with the ability to RDP and bring up web pages on Remote Site.

Please comment with any questions you might have, corrections i need to make, or if you have a better way of doing it. I hope that i have explained this well enough to understand, but if not, please let me know.
一句话:建立Reverse SSH Tunnel
2013-02-01 17:30:31 +08:00
回复了 liyafe1997 创建的主题 程序员 大家研究过如何把VPN转成sock5/http等代理吗
2013-02-01 17:28:21 +08:00
回复了 liyafe1997 创建的主题 程序员 大家研究过如何把VPN转成sock5/http等代理吗
Reverse SSH Tunneling Network

Don’t have VPN access, but still want a secure way to connect between two networks? If so, please read below on how this can be done even if the remote site is blocking SSH with a firewall. This article assumes that you already have SSH servers setup on both remote and local sites. If not, It should be pretty straight forward to setup a SSH server on Windows with OpenSSH for windows or install on Linux with the below commands ran from the terminal window. The complete setup of SSH server is out of the scope of this article, so please refer to man pages or other online documentation.

#RedHat, Fedora, CentOS..most RPM based distros
yum install openssh-server openssh-client

#Ubuntu and other Debian based distros
sudo apt-get install ssh-server ssh-client

Setting up Remote SSH Servers connection to Local SSH Server

Here we are going to establish an SSH connection from the Remote Server to the Local Server. The following is the structure and break down of the command.

ssh -l <1> -nNT -f -R <2>:<3>:<4> <5> -p <6>

-l Login name
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.
-n This must be used when ssh is run in the background.
-N Do not execute a remote command.
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.
<1> Remote SSH Servers user account to login as
<2> local SSH Server listening port
<3> Remote SSH Server internal IP
<4> Remote SSH Server port
<5> local SSH Server public IP (This is NATed to internal SSH server on port 22)
<6> local SSH Server public port to listen on


ssh -l jsmith -nNT -f -R 1100: -p 443

Establishing SSH Connection from Local SSH Server to Remote SSH Server

Now that we have the connection established from the Remote SSH Server to the Local SSH Server (now listening on port 1100) we can now login to the Remote SSH Server using the reverse SSH Tunnel. First verify that the tunnel is setup and listening on port 1100 on the Local SSH Server by running the following as root:

netstat -tupnl | grep :1100
#This should return with the following:
# tcp 0* LISTEN

Now that you have verified that the port is up and listening, run the following from the Local SSH Servers terminal:

ssh -D -p 1100 localhost

This will log you in to the Remote SSH Server and also setup another listening port (1234) to be used later for using Socks Proxy Connections. When prompted for password, login with the password of the Remote SSH Servers account. In this example it would be the password for the user jsmith.
Setup Port Forwarding for RDP on Local SSH Server

This one is a little tricky. We are going to now setup the Local SSH Server to Forward all requests it receives for port 3389, and send them through the Reverse SSH Tunnel (established on port 1100 of Local SSH Server) and onto the Remote App Server. From the terminal of the Local SSH Server, type in the following:

ssh -L <local SSH Server user>@localhost -p 1100

Now check to see if port 3389 is listening on the Local SSH Server.

netstat -tupnl | grep :3389
#This should return with the following:
# tcp 0* LISTEN

Remote Desktop into Remote App Server via RDP from Local Workstation

Now that we have everything setup, you should be able to remote desktop into the Remote App Server by pointing your RDP client, on Local Workstation, to the IP address of the Local SSH Server (ie.
Using Socks Proxy on Local Workstation to connect to Remote App Server

Earlier when we made our original connection to the Remote SSH Server, we used port (1234) for Local network to connect to. To bring up a web page that is running on any Remote Network Server, just configure your Local Workstation Browser for Socks 5 Proxy and put in the IP address of the Local SSH Server ( and port (1234). Waalahh!! You have now setup a Reverse SSH Tunnel with the ability to RDP and bring up web pages on Remote Site.

Please comment with any questions you might have, corrections i need to make, or if you have a better way of doing it. I hope that i have explained this well enough to understand, but if not, please let me know.
2013-01-31 20:26:14 +08:00
回复了 huangmingyou 创建的主题 奇思妙想 这里有朋友在自己家里部署智能家居吗?
2013-01-31 19:29:51 +08:00
回复了 Elwin 创建的主题 Python 关于django admin和static files的问题
@Elwin 不用的,admin是作为一个独立的app,他自己处理相关url了。
2013-01-31 18:50:33 +08:00
回复了 Elwin 创建的主题 Python 关于django admin和static files的问题
@hzlzh 你的文档里面给出的是Mac系统的配置,其他系统你有测试过码? 而且这个解决方案的一个很大的问题就是需要为每一个浏览器进行设置、适配,很麻烦,如果同时打开多个浏览器的话,那就会得到多份通知。用户体验不好!
2013-01-31 18:32:32 +08:00
回复了 Elwin 创建的主题 Python 关于django admin和static files的问题
2013-01-31 18:28:08 +08:00
回复了 hfeeki 创建的主题 云计算 大家来讨论一下都有哪些系统配置工具最好用?
Ansible 和 SaltStack 谁用过,好用码?目前最流行的两个(puppet, chef)都是ruby开发的,而我对python很熟悉,如果能够用python搞定,那最好了!! ruby语法有些麻烦!!
2013-01-31 18:23:27 +08:00
回复了 hfeeki 创建的主题 云计算 大家来讨论一下都有哪些系统配置工具最好用?
@ry_wang Fabric跟Puppet, Chef, SaltStack应该不是同一个级别的,这三个的目的是管理成百上千台机器,也就是数据中心,而Fabric更加轻便一些,很多功能没有,和前面的几个应该是互补的作用。
2013-01-31 16:15:52 +08:00
回复了 willerce 创建的主题 Node.js 使用 nodejs 编写的公司多人订餐程序
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