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大一时就支持,至少 12 年前吧
259 天前
回复了 stardustree 创建的主题 汽车 小心被某笛割了韭菜
期货 7 倍杠杆唯唯诺诺,房地产 7 倍杠杆就重拳出击了?
266 天前
回复了 AmosG 创建的主题 汽车 长途开车怎么听歌
F1 theme
274 天前
回复了 gtese 创建的主题 问与答 鬼压床,你们怎么解?
281 天前
回复了 dilidilid 创建的主题 Apple 现在 iPad Pro 的价格有点太夸张了吧
笑稀了,11500 买 iPad ,库克你也做的出来
293 天前
回复了 Persimmon08 创建的主题 OpenAI 这个问题,大家的 GPT 都能答对吗?
gemini pro

Here's how to find the limits of x*ln(1+1/x) as x approaches 0 and positive infinity:

Case 1: x approaches 0

We cannot directly substitute x = 0 into the expression, as it results in an indeterminate form. Let's use L'Hôpital's rule:

Rewrite the expression:
x*ln(1+1/x) = ln(1+1/x) / (1/x)
Now the form is suitable for L'Hôpital's rule (both numerator and denominator approach 0 as x approaches 0).

Apply L'Hôpital's Rule:
lim (x->0) [ln(1+1/x) / (1/x)] = lim (x->0) [d/dx(ln(1+1/x)) / d/dx(1/x)]
= lim (x->0) [-1/(x+x^2) / (-1/x^2)]
= lim (x->0) [x / (1+x)] = 0

Therefore, the limit of x*ln(1+1/x) as x approaches 0 is 0.

Case 2: x approaches positive infinity

Rewrite the expression:
x*ln(1+1/x) = ln(1 + 1/x) / (1/x)

Again, this is an indeterminate form (both numerator and denominator approach 0 as x approaches infinity).

Apply L'Hôpital's Rule:
lim (x-> ∞) [ln(1 + 1/x) / (1/x)] = lim (x-> ∞) [d/dx(ln(1 + 1/x)) / d/dx(1/x)]
= lim (x-> ∞) [-1/(x+x^2) / (-1/x^2)]
= lim (x-> ∞) [x / (x+1)]

= 1 (dividing both numerator and denominator by x)

Therefore, the limit of x*ln(1+1/x) as x approaches positive infinity is 1.
294 天前
回复了 david101 创建的主题 汽车 驾照到手,买车大家帮忙推荐
大城市租,小城市交通不便 798
2050 年想 60 退休,想多了
你并不拥有 IP 地址,运营商说收回就收回哪来的价值
338 天前
回复了 fields 创建的主题 程序员 你有多久没有打开过 GitHub 了?
10s 前
后视镜投资不可取,就周五回调的 -6% 有几个人能拿住?
正经科研不看中文 paper 的
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