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2013-12-07 11:18:43 +08:00
回复了 iqav 创建的主题 问与答 慢跑步运动,是张嘴呼吸好还是闭嘴适宜?
都是尽量鼻吸嘴呼, 不过如果已经跑入状态, 基本上就感觉不到.
2013-12-06 17:39:37 +08:00
回复了 explon 创建的主题 Ripple 我 2000 多 Point 已经收到 100XRP 了,没有你们说的那么不值钱啊
@twor2 想多了哈, 避免对方可能没带饮料呀 - -! 当然了, 如果对方对你有好感 会+分吧.

擦, 你又有机会和妹子打羽毛球 - -! 多买一瓶水

为啥我都没碰上 鄙视LZ.
2013-12-05 22:40:40 +08:00
回复了 unstop 创建的主题 Bitcoin 央行出台对比特币的监管通知:间接承认比特币的合法性
没鬼你干涉个毛, 市场自然会决定的.
2013-12-04 23:21:39 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 今天WCG活动发的怎么这么少啊
今天XRP总量发放是 500K, 明天可能也是500K, 今天才17个(你妹) 妈的规格都没有申明清楚, 这种给的比例太畸形了, 相信会有很多人退出的.

@jybox 跟小时一点关系有没有的, 跟你产生的 WCG point 有关系, 官网明显在误导.
2013-12-04 08:55:43 +08:00
回复了 vipdomain 创建的主题 MIUI 小米出移动电源了 10400mAh,¥69 大家怎么看?
2013-12-03 23:57:24 +08:00
回复了 mlhorizon 创建的主题 分享发现 堪比照片, iPad 手绘摩根弗里曼肖像画
真是神人, 不过用照片来对比, 这实在是一种侮辱.
2013-12-03 20:56:03 +08:00
回复了 iiduce 创建的主题 问与答 冬天SOHO在家,穿什么最舒服?
居家服吧, 法兰绒类的?
2013-12-03 19:36:07 +08:00
回复了 yeelone 创建的主题 程序员 公司居然准备在12月20号放春假了~~~吓尿
当然了, 钱要是发足了, 那就变的有良心了.
2013-12-03 15:54:25 +08:00
回复了 laomo 创建的主题 Ripple 问一个关于 http://www.computingforgood.org/ 有意思的问题
每天总量111K , 真特么的少呀, 分母在增大, 分子怎么也得配合一下吧.
2013-12-03 13:44:09 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 大家应该去官网问问wcg到底给不给xrp,不给就别玩了
2013-12-03 13:43:43 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 大家应该去官网问问wcg到底给不给xrp,不给就别玩了
43,261 Point / 50 XRP ..... 确实少,明显是一群从来没弄到事件的人在搞ripple项目,beta都没弄好就出stable.
2013-12-03 11:52:27 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 大家应该去官网问问wcg到底给不给xrp,不给就别玩了
@vivia 我才4w分 - -!
2013-12-03 11:26:23 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 大家应该去官网问问wcg到底给不给xrp,不给就别玩了
貌似已经开始发放了.... 论坛上有人收到了,不过量很小...

2013-12-03 10:20:04 +08:00
回复了 cchange 创建的主题 问与答 腾讯的离线文件是个很大的坑,但实在是没办法啊
对方是不是手机QQ有在线? 要先下线,这也是一个原因.
2013-12-01 23:32:12 +08:00
回复了 paolongtao 创建的主题 Ripple 大家应该去官网问问wcg到底给不给xrp,不给就别玩了
beta 之后的都还没有 redeem. 到底会不会, 再等等呗.

For unredeemed points accumulated between beta and the launch of Computing for Good, we will try to honor (but cannot guarantee) a 40:1 WCG point: XRP exchange rate.

Note that with the launch of ComputingforGood.org, there won't be a set WCG point to XRP exchange rate. Instead, we will announce the specific amount of XRP we will giveaway each day. We will divide the specific daily amount by the total WCG points earned by Team Ripple Labs each day(真是 bug 多呀) to determine the worth of 1 WCG point in XRP.

----------------------- 具体看这里吧


Dear WCG beta participants, by jaesharp » Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:47 am

Thanks for all your patience while we've been working hard on transitioning the WCG XRP giveaway out of beta. I'm excited to announce that the giveaway has officially launched under a new name: ComputingforGood.org! We've revamped the user interface and redemption system based on your feedback.

Now for an important announcement: for those of you who have been computing away for the past couple of days, we want to make sure you're rewarded appropriately. Please read the instructions below in order to redeem your pent-up points.

1) Register at ComputingforGood.org before 4:00 PM PST on Wednesday, November 27, 2013. We've migrated the giveaway to a new infrastructure, so you'll need to re-register.

2) Once you register, your points will automatically be redeemed for XRP sometime between 4pm PST on Wednesday, November 27 and 6pm PST on Thursday, November 28, 2013.

For unredeemed points accumulated between beta and the launch of Computing for Good, we will try to honor (but cannot guarantee) a 40:1 WCG point: XRP exchange rate.

Note that with the launch of ComputingforGood.org, there won't be a set WCG point to XRP exchange rate. Instead, we will announce the specific amount of XRP we will giveaway each day. We will divide the specific daily amount by the total WCG points earned by Team Ripple Labs each day to determine the worth of 1 WCG point in XRP.

Thanks, and happy computing!! - Ripple Labs

2013-12-01 22:38:50 +08:00
回复了 jarnanchen 创建的主题 问与答 为什么铁通的宽带连一些不被墙的网站也无法访问呢?
不然为什么会说铁通不通呢? 就是太烂了 ...
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