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2023-04-07 09:56:08 +08:00
回复了 cwbsw 创建的主题 路由器 [避坑] 360T7
2023-04-07 02:14:54 +08:00
回复了 swhhaa 创建的主题 程序员 ChatGPT 其实是通用人工智能的对立面
@swhhaa 啊,我是就把整个帖子前 20 楼丢进去提问他整理下准确和不准确的地方
It is true that the training material for ChatGPT contains natural language, and before being processed by the model, it undergoes various preprocessing steps, such as tokenization and vectorization. However, the model still learns to process and generate human-like text based on the patterns and structure of natural language present in the training data.

I apologize for any misinterpretation of the author's point of view. It's important to note that while ChatGPT is a powerful language model, it is not an example of a general artificial intelligence. The process of fine-tuning the model for specific tasks indeed does not conflict with the author's perspective. There are various ways AI can learn and interact with the environment, and natural language is just one of those methods.
2023-04-06 15:52:49 +08:00
回复了 swhhaa 创建的主题 程序员 ChatGPT 其实是通用人工智能的对立面
Chat gpt 自己觉得你在以下几点说的有点不准确:
1. The author believes that ChatGPT cannot learn from its interactions, i.e., it cannot acquire new knowledge in the way humans do through natural language. While it is true that ChatGPT cannot learn in real-time as humans do, it does learn from the vast amount of data it has been trained on, which includes natural language texts. It is important to note that GPT models, including ChatGPT, are pretrained on a large dataset and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks or domains. However, they do not have the ability to learn incrementally during an ongoing conversation.

2. The author argues that an ideal general AI should have a learning interface that accepts natural language input. While ChatGPT doesn't have this interface directly, it can still be fine-tuned on specific data or tasks, which could include examples of natural language input.

3. The author implies that an ideal general AI should have the intelligence to learn from scratch without prior knowledge or training, whereas ChatGPT is pretrained on a large amount of data from the internet. However, AI models like ChatGPT benefit from this pretraining because it allows them to have a broad understanding of various topics and helps them generate coherent and contextually relevant responses.

1. ChatGPT's limitations: The author recognizes that ChatGPT has limitations, and it's essential to be aware of these when using the model. Some of the limitations include the inability to learn in real-time during conversations, providing incorrect or nonsensical answers, sensitivity to input phrasing, and a tendency to be verbose.

2. The need for a better AI: The author's pursuit of an ideal general AI suggests that they understand the importance of improving AI systems to overcome the limitations of current models like ChatGPT. The quest for a better AI is a crucial aspect of ongoing research in the field of artificial intelligence.

3. Importance of natural language learning: The author emphasizes the significance of AI systems being able to learn from natural language input. This is a valuable insight, as understanding and processing human language is a critical aspect of making AI more useful and accessible to a broader range of people and applications.

我个人觉得 chatgpt 的 token 限制和长期存储模块大概率是无关的
“GPT-4 now has 8k tokens max, and there is a larger 32k token model on the horizon in the API.” [here]( https://community.openai.com/t/gpt-4-api-what-is-the-chat-history-limit-and-token-completion-limit/103094/2)
现在目前 GPT4 已经就提供了>4096 个 token 的支持,以后也会变的更大。
2023-04-06 09:14:41 +08:00
回复了 studentBB 创建的主题 macOS 发现更好用的 Mac 应用
@studentBB 对于 4.0 的检测感觉非常不准,以前 3.5 的时候感觉还行,确实存在误判
2023-04-05 08:47:54 +08:00
回复了 studentBB 创建的主题 macOS 发现更好用的 Mac 应用
@aliceclark 对,但是用来参考很好用
2023-04-05 01:23:39 +08:00
回复了 studentBB 创建的主题 macOS 发现更好用的 Mac 应用
2023-04-02 01:34:00 +08:00
回复了 sexyback 创建的主题 问与答 现在的安卓手机买回来都送手机壳贴好膜吗?
2023-03-29 23:03:37 +08:00
回复了 northbrunv 创建的主题 Android 别吹红米了,万年祖传 USB 2.0, 1T 硬盘有啥用
确实是个问题,但是问题不大。 全 2.5g 网络方案+wifi6 实测可以跑到 180-200MB/s ,基本替代了 usb3 (
Star 了,readme 真好看
2023-03-27 05:02:31 +08:00
回复了 sampeng 创建的主题 OpenAI 突然发现不能读新闻了。奇怪。
2023-03-21 21:40:42 +08:00
回复了 dbskcnc 创建的主题 Android pdd 的聪明总算得到了点回报
从一开始就对这个 app 和后面的公司毫无好感
2023-03-11 16:55:06 +08:00
回复了 JavenXiao 创建的主题 NAS 买了块希捷银河 x16 16T 的硬盘,装到 nas 上好吵啊......
@H0H 确实,raid 从来就不是备份,弄清楚就行。 附赠 rebuild 失败概率计算器
2023-02-25 03:17:02 +08:00
回复了 fyxtc 创建的主题 问与答 我妈的红米现在好卡啊经常死机,有什么办法能抢救一下吗
@m1nm13 难道不是每个品牌都有做的好的手机和做的坏的手机嘛 233 。而且这里和哪里 context 也不一样啊,旗舰产品线和中低端红米也不好比吧
2023-02-15 12:03:07 +08:00
回复了 ZoeyZ 创建的主题 Apple 昨天使用京东 A+会员更换了原厂电池,记录一下过程
竟然是暖暖,感觉 iphone 玩游戏久了逃离不了降频的命运
2023-02-06 10:12:06 +08:00
回复了 dtgxx 创建的主题 问与答 为啥每次在 chatgpt 输入回答一个问题之后就报错
是不是用的人太多了就把你的 session 挤掉了,开个付费版试试?
2023-02-06 10:11:11 +08:00
回复了 brucecao 创建的主题 问与答 粗粮 10 的屏幕摔裂了,想问问现在值得买的直面屏有什么?
小米 13 性价比没有 1+高(主要是 13 占数镜头多),但如果喜欢哪个小尺寸直屏,小米 13 几乎是没缺点的。或者换个 iphone 呗
2023-01-22 00:10:55 +08:00
回复了 moon7wimd 创建的主题 天黑以后 20230121 午夜俱乐部
2023-01-20 11:49:34 +08:00
回复了 liukanshan 创建的主题 程序员 小米手机使用 UPnP 协议,这是要干嘛?
HCDN 是爱奇艺,别乱扣帽子(🐶
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