Sunday's schedule:
The only (major/interesting to me) games left are Brink and Firefall. Brink's line is two-hour long, so I just give up.
1030 Firefall demo play!!! Yea~ Finally some hand-on gameplay. classes available: Assault, medic, sniper. Only deathmatch mode can be played at booth. I tried assault and medic. Assault is somewhat like soldier in TF2, rocket/cannon as primary weapon with 3-round burst bullet fire as alternative fire mode. Didn't tried secondary weapon since I didn't know at the moment. Then I changed to medic, primary weapon is the healing gun(same as TF2), rightclick to charge it which can increase healing speed and the accuracy/power of your healing target. Secondary weapon is a submachine gun. So far I like this game, but deathmatch mode is only a tiny fraction of this MMOG, so no final opinion.
1200 Slam Bolt Scrappers, a smash of Tetris and Super Smash Bros. This game is simply FUN!!! Available this Tuesday on PSN(North America). rules:
You fight flying pigs(???) to get tetris blocks.
You can place blocks at any place you want(no overlapping though).
Every same-color square (2x2, 3x3) will become a turret. (Tower defense, yea~)
You lose when you lost all your blocks.
You can beat the hell out the pigs/opponents/their bricks. XD
Up to 4 player coop/versus.
1300 Penny Arcade Q&A session 2
You simply just can't come to PAX without meating the PA! Since I missed the first one, this is the only chance.'s been 13 years, and their comics have become an icon of game industry. Thank you, Mike and Jerry, you've brought all the gamers around the world together, thank you.
Video of Friday's Q&A session 1: