Livid MOD RAGE!!!
GordianZ MOD OP OMG, Guild Wars 2 will be playable at PAX East too, definitely gonna try it out. Can't keep waiting.
@Livid You wanna the live demo recorded? I dunno if there will be any playable demos. |
GordianZ MOD OP Added plans:
Need for Speed SHIFT 2 Deus Ex Can't wait, it's this weekend!! |
GordianZ MOD OP Packing right now, gonna leave tomorrow.
http://img.ly/3bIu |
GordianZ MOD OP 已经在会场了,虽然下雨,人还是很多。看到Monday night combat的吉祥物了。
GordianZ MOD OP 刚看了bf3的演示,震撼无比
GordianZ MOD OP firefall的站台一个人都没有,大家都在看Guild Wars 2和旧共和国
GordianZ MOD OP Today's actual schedule:
0810: Got into the expo center, wait in line to buy PAX Tee. BioShock Infinite statue and trailer in the waiting lobby. http://img.ly/3bFG And there were tons of zombies... http://img.ly/3bFO 0930: Waiting in line for expo hall to open. http://img.ly/3bFS http://img.ly/3bFX 1000: Wandering in expo hall, found BF3 booth, lined up right away :) http://img.ly/3bG5 http://img.ly/3bG9 1015: Got into the BF3 demo booth. No filming, so I can't post any in-game images/videos. It's basically a full walkthrough of this gameplay trailer. http://tanronggui.xyz/t/9153 The sound effect and destruction is fantastic! Spotlights: * Better sound effects: http://tanronggui.xyz/t/9104 * Prone. When you're prone, aiming accuracy will increase, even more so when you are using weapon with high recoil(rocket launchers, machine guns, etc) * Better structure destruction: AT4 rocket launcher fire at a sniper nest inside a 20-level hotel across the street, the facing side of the hotel was torn apart. You can see concrete was flying all the place, while the rebars still hole the building straight. |
GordianZ MOD OP 1035 BF3 demo finished, passed by Portal 2 and LA Noire, too crowded. Definitely gonna check them out tomorrow.
http://img.ly/3bGp http://img.ly/3bGs 1155 Didn't go to the PA Q&A, line is way too long, chance to get in is 0. So I wandered around. Saw a familiar face around the Red Faction booth. It's Husky! he's really nice :) http://img.ly/3bGu http://img.ly/3bxo And what do you get after ten years of waiting? Duke Nukem Forever!!! Playable demo at the booth. http://img.ly/3bGy 1200 Had some food and rest. Too tired. Sour shoulder. Will bring less stuff tomorrow. 1300 Tried out SHIFT 2, the helmet camera is so intuitive. The D-BOX setup is really cool, but not really "affordable" unless you fell comfortable to throw 15k USD into it. http://img.ly/3bGB 1330 Rage demo!!! Still no filming T_T It's quite like the Borderlands, with a realistic rendering. Other things that are noticeable: * Brilliant AI: They KNOW how to hide and flank, no more dumb AI. The DOOM already did it good enough though. * Dynamic lighting: id is always good at lighting, from DOOM to QUAKE. This time is huge outdoor world with cinematic style color grading, made it looks cooler and futuristic, and differentiated from other modern shooter games. * Vehicle combat: Nothing NEW! Which is a big letdown, I expected something groundbreaking, but all they have is in Borderlands already. Thumbs up to Gearbox, accomplished something even id cannot improve? :( |
GordianZ MOD OP Other wandering stuff:
Tabletop gaming FTW: http://img.ly/3bHC Expo hall overview http://img.ly/3bHD WTF are you doing here, Tencent? http://img.ly/3bHx Naughty Dog and 2 Player production panel, some interesting trivial talk about the development of Uncharted 3 and the documentary filming. http://img.ly/3bHG Watched Guild Wars 2 live demo at Alienware booth, mostly things that were already covered in previous interviews and dev diaries. Hope tomorrow they got more things to show. Spent around an hour playing at the PC free play area. Mostly TF2, played 1 round of SC2(No lan no fun). Overall, people at PAX are super nice. Everybody is so easygoing (might not be outgoing, but are more friendly than most other places). You can easily have conversations with people standing in the same line. Nerds/geek/cosplayer everywhere... Tomorrow is gonna be tough, gotta choose between Deus Ex and Guild Wars 2. The current decision is latter, but it's subject to change. All the loot I got: http://img.ly/3bIa From top to bottom: Black PAX Tee/PAX Guide Grey PAX Tee/WD Keyring with magnifier =.=(I was going for the 10krpm HDD) Rage Tee/Brink flyer SHIFT 2 Tee/SHIFT 2 branded earbud Uncharted 3 Tee/Uncharted 3 weapon skin DLC code Those 2 PAX Tee cost 30 USD, all other things are free (to certain attendees). |
Livid MOD Wow, you've got a lot. XD
Livid MOD Thank you very much for the great coverage.
GordianZ MOD OP |
Livid MOD So, there will be no BF3 hands on?
GordianZ MOD OP 接下来的游戏demo不能录影,我就专心记录了。
Livid MOD 卡片上的 30916,莫非每个人的卡不一样?
GordianZ MOD OP 看了deus ex, 觉得做得比crysis 2要好多了。
nano suite在crysis 2里还不如一代好玩 |
GordianZ MOD OP @Livid 嗯 没有可玩的版本,现在还在Alpha阶段,显示的效果跟预告片一样。他们说还会优化,展示用机配置非常夸张,中间依旧卡帧过几次。
GordianZ MOD OP 今天都去排队了,没看什么有趣的东西。明天回纽约了再总结一下好了。
lianghai 2011-03-13 14:10:48 +08:00
GordianZ MOD OP Saturday's actual schedule:
1030 Tried SHIFT 2 again, easier track, less sensitive settings. Sadly, I still suck at this game. http://img.ly/3cwt 1230 Lined up at the Portal 2 booth. The line is way shorter since new regulation does not allow multiple rounds of line. http://img.ly/3cwC 1300 The ESRB rating of Duke Nukem Forever. I asked a guy how long he's been waiting (in the line), he answered "More than 10 years." Everybody is LOL. XD http://img.ly/3cwG 1400 Got into the booth. Not live demo, just gameplay video of first several minutes of the game. Nothing's new here, since all the mechanics are revealed already and the release date is near. http://img.ly/3cwD 1430 The Guild Wars 2 line is already full more than 1 hour ahead of the event. So sad, but no choice left, went to the Deus Ex event. http://img.ly/3cwV Some live gameplay, really nice mechanics. I prefer this game over Crysis 2. Augmented human > Nano suite. Following picture is the panel from Eidos dev/community team. http://img.ly/3cx1 1550 Lined up for LA Noire. It's Rockstar, developing since 2004, delaying since 2008. This game is based on real criminal cases, so I would suggest you not to dig backgrounds. http://img.ly/3cx5 1720 Finally got into the booth. Live game demo, no recording. Topnotch facial expression capture/scanning. Haven't seen any game character like these before. An old trailer, more at http://www.youtube.com/user/RockstarGames |
GordianZ MOD OP Sunday's schedule:
The only (major/interesting to me) games left are Brink and Firefall. Brink's line is two-hour long, so I just give up. 1030 Firefall demo play!!! Yea~ Finally some hand-on gameplay. http://tanronggui.xyz/t/8315 http://img.ly/3cxe 3 classes available: Assault, medic, sniper. Only deathmatch mode can be played at booth. I tried assault and medic. Assault is somewhat like soldier in TF2, rocket/cannon as primary weapon with 3-round burst bullet fire as alternative fire mode. Didn't tried secondary weapon since I didn't know at the moment. Then I changed to medic, primary weapon is the healing gun(same as TF2), rightclick to charge it which can increase healing speed and the accuracy/power of your healing target. Secondary weapon is a submachine gun. So far I like this game, but deathmatch mode is only a tiny fraction of this MMOG, so no final opinion. 1200 Slam Bolt Scrappers, a smash of Tetris and Super Smash Bros. This game is simply FUN!!! Available this Tuesday on PSN(North America). http://img.ly/3cxf Basic rules: You fight flying pigs(???) to get tetris blocks. You can place blocks at any place you want(no overlapping though). Every same-color square (2x2, 3x3) will become a turret. (Tower defense, yea~) You lose when you lost all your blocks. You can beat the hell out the pigs/opponents/their bricks. XD Up to 4 player coop/versus. 1300 Penny Arcade Q&A session 2 You simply just can't come to PAX without meating the PA! Since I missed the first one, this is the only chance. http://img.ly/3cxG http://img.ly/3cxH http://img.ly/3cxI http://img.ly/3cxJ It's been 13 years, and their comics have become an icon of game industry. Thank you, Mike and Jerry, you've brought all the gamers around the world together, thank you. Video of Friday's Q&A session 1: http://www.gamespot.com/events/paxeast2011/video.html?sid=6303653 |
GordianZ MOD OP |
GordianZ MOD OP OK, that's all. Fell free to ask me any question. :)
GordianZ MOD OP Portal 2 PAX East gameplay video:
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/pax-east-portal-2/711687 |