Dash 被封杀的最新进展

2016-10-11 08:03:52 +08:00


看来是 Apple 的问题, 不过 Apple 在恢复账号前希望能找个台阶下.

11672 次点击
所在节点    Apple
66 条回复
2016-10-12 00:52:29 +08:00
@chainkhoo 你没用信用卡帮别人买过东西?
2016-10-12 02:00:23 +08:00
2016-10-12 03:45:29 +08:00
2016-10-12 11:19:10 +08:00
Apple 一直在反复强调他们没有 “做错” ,因为作者存在两个账号共用一张信用卡,这就算是违反了使用条款,所以账户被封。电话里也在反复申明这一点,从这点来看作者一直是理亏啊,规则摆在那里。作者然后开始问为什么没有通知他,他是帮亲戚很早以前代付然后没有解绑,他认为他没有错。

分歧点无非就是 Apple 封他的账号是有理由的, Apple 确实没有 “做错” 。所以 Apple 让作者发文申明这一点,但是作者写的文章还是在说自己没做错 blah blah blah 。 Apple 的公关肯定不乐意啊,而且你还把电话录音没经过对方允许公布了。所以 Apple 跟作者明撕也是作者理亏。
2016-10-14 10:32:40 +08:00
2016-10-14 10:42:34 +08:00
Gather round, folks, let me tell you a story.

So 5 or 6 years ago, this guy named Bogdan Popescu starts a company called Kapeli and writes a bunch of Shovelware. Puts out a bunch of PR for crap like MoveAddict.

All of this is featured on his website, kapeli.com. There in the header...moveAddict, iGuard … and something called ‘ Dash ’.

Even his old Twitter posts confirm this.

Over time, Dash explodes in popularity. It fills a niche and is actually legitimately useful. He “ goes legit ”, creates a new dev account tied to the same com.kapeli bundle identifier. Suddenly — publically, to those who can ’ t see his bundle identifiers — it ’ s the only app he makes!

But what to do with all the other shovelware though? Not to worry, it can stay on the other account. Spam some reviews, get some idiots to buy it, easy beer money on the side. Let ’ s just change the author to “ Mihaela ” instead.


(There's our good friends, moveAddict and iGuard!)

During a routine Apple account transfer … he gets caught.

All of a sudden he cries foul. There WAS a second account, but it ’ s not his! It ’ s a female family member ’ s. It was some account that he had nothing to do with. He forgot about it! It ’ s ancient history!

… it just houses literally *everything* the guy previously created that isn ’ t Dash. Including apps such as moveAddict and iGuard previously prominently featured on the dude ’ s website and PR spam. In his name.

Now both Apple and Popescu are in agreement — there are only two accounts with his com.kapeli bundle identifier. Apple says they are both his. He claims he only has one, and a relative has one. So why are *his* apps on *both* accounts, his and Mihaelas?

Did he gift the entire source code and ongoing revenue of these apps to this 'family member' as well? What a great guy! Still it sounds like something that might be worth mentioning during this whole mixup, either to his faithful blog readers or Apple. It might have cleared things up rather quickly.

Despite the fact that his whole story falls apart on scrutiny, Apple bend over backwards and will reinstate his account if he admits some wrongdoing. Stubborn dude refuses to budge, posts illegally obtained phone calls …

… and yet people still criticise Apple and believe this guy.

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