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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Tencent 腾讯游戏测试岗位招聘(要求当前已在新加坡工作一定年限)

  •   visvli · 2022-12-22 10:20:41 +08:00 · 1963 次点击
    这是一个创建于 773 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    工作地点要求:当前已经在新加坡工作满 2 年,未来接受继续在新加坡工作
    岗位要求:游戏测试岗位 QA ,要求有相关工作经历 2 年以上
    邮箱: [email protected] (欢迎投递简历)

    Senior Quality Assurance Tester

    Ability to organize and manage the team to accomplish quality goals;
    Recruit and build the testing team, improve team building and development, and achieve good cross-team cooperation;
    Optimize and improve testing efficiency, analyze test data and results to identify patterns and influence game quality;
    Work with the quality control team and external partners to test content quality and integration;
    Take on the responsibility of ensuring quality in our products and game operations;
    Focus on improving the team's overall performance.
    Bachelor’s degree or higher;
    3+ years of experience as a software tester;
    Practical experience in game testing;
    Ability to quickly pick up new technical skills and execute effectively;
    Very observant along with good analytical and logical reasoning abilities;
    Practical experience with leading a team to complete the testing project;
    Ability to work under pressure, have a strong interest in and passion for games;
    Have knowledge in a Programming Language (C++,C,C#,PHP,Python);
    Familiar with main operating systems (Windows, Linux, Android ), TCP protocol, etc;
    Experience in server performance testing, capability testing, and safety testing is preferred.

    Senior Game Development Tester
    Define technical design and architecture for new automation solutions, actively implement automation features and develop high-quality code;
    Work with R&D teams and keep improving games modules compatibility testing, client/server performance testing, etc., to provide our players with a better experience;
    Help to drive continuous process improvements for the QA department and the project team;
    Work in a fast-paced environment that requires a frequent shift in areas of focus.
    3+ years of hands-on experience in video games quality assurance;
    Bachelor or higher degree from an accredited college/university;
    Familiar with C/C++ or Java languages;
    Familiar with one of the following scripting languages: shell, Perl, and python;
    Expertise in LINUX and TCP/IP, HTTP messaging protocol;
    Experience with White-Box testing, server/client performance testing, capability testing, and security testing is preferred.
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.