在看 k8s 源代码时候,有这么一段代码,其中 Complete()方法, 看注释是可以填充没有设置的字段,填充字段需要这么套娃么.
CompletedConfig --》 指针 completedConfig --》 Config 指针
// Config is the main context object for the controller manager.
type Config struct {
ComponentConfig kubectrlmgrconfig.KubeControllerManagerConfiguration
SecureServing *apiserver.SecureServingInfo
// LoopbackClientConfig is a config for a privileged loopback connection
LoopbackClientConfig *restclient.Config
// TODO: remove deprecated insecure serving
InsecureServing *apiserver.DeprecatedInsecureServingInfo
Authentication apiserver.AuthenticationInfo
Authorization apiserver.AuthorizationInfo
// the general kube client
Client *clientset.Clientset
// the client only used for leader election
LeaderElectionClient *clientset.Clientset
// the rest config for the master
Kubeconfig *restclient.Config
// the event sink
EventRecorder record.EventRecorder
type completedConfig struct {
// CompletedConfig same as Config, just to swap private object.
type CompletedConfig struct {
// Embed a private pointer that cannot be instantiated outside of this package.
// Complete fills in any fields not set that are required to have valid data. It's mutating the receiver.
func (c *Config) Complete() *CompletedConfig {
cc := completedConfig{c}
apiserver.AuthorizeClientBearerToken(c.LoopbackClientConfig, &c.Authentication, &c.Authorization)
return &CompletedConfig{&cc}
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wangritian 2020-07-23 17:37:07 +08:00
其他包可以创建 Config 对象,设置属性,然后通过 Complete 方法补全,得到一个隐藏全部细节的 CompletedConfig,不会有机会再改动属性,看上去是这个目的
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lance6716 2020-07-23 18:45:40 +08:00 via Android
yangbonis 2020-07-23 20:13:59 +08:00 via iPhone
only write once
yangbonis 2020-07-23 20:25:09 +08:00 via iPhone
它这个 comment 不如写成,Only allow write once access.
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raaaaaar 2020-07-23 20:39:51 +08:00 via Android
hongyexiaoqing OP @wangritian
恩,谢谢,注释写的模拟量可 |
hongyexiaoqing OP 如果原始的 Config 改变了,感觉防止不了 Config 被改
比如 ``` a := &Config{} b:=a.Complete() 如果 a 在某个地方被改了,b 不是也被改了 ``` |