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[北京] 红帽软件测试工程师职位等你来

  •   redhatjob · 2020-02-18 17:08:10 +08:00 · 1518 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1851 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Openshift 作为当下最火的企业容器编译平台,目前有需要懂网络背景的你加入测试工程师团队!如果想加入红帽开源大家庭,简历快快砸来吧! [email protected] 请注明职位名称。

    Job Summary
    The Red Hat Quality Engineering (QE) team is looking for a Quality Engineer to join us in Beijing, China. In this role, you will make a difference in solutions used by millions of people around the world and help build Red Hat OpenShift, a system changing how development is done and built on container technologies and Kubernetes cluster management system. You will gain an extensive understanding of a variety of popular technologies including container technology, Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, and Red Hat Middleware. You will need to have previous experience contributing to open source projects or publicly available code samples. You will make sure our solutions fulfill the highest possible enterprise quality, performance, usability, and supportability. As a Quality Engineer, you'll serve as the last contact before applications are released to the public. You'll create and carry out test plans, research new features, and develop automated tests. You’ll need to have the ability to think creatively and adapt to rapid change, as well as the willingness to learn new things.

    Primary Job Responsibilities
    1, Create and review test plans and suggest improvements for offering planning processes
    2, Conduct new feature research and design test cases for Red Hat OpenShift’s new features
    3, Develop new automated and manual tests; develop frameworks to ease test development and automation to speed up implementation
    4, Document and advocate the resolution of new bugs with developers and communicate the impact on customers to developers and support
    5, Make sure solutions are ready for release to public audiences
    6, Participate in and perform root cause analysis of issues to get a starting point to address problems
    7, Communicate with the other globally distributed Red Hat OpenShift quality engineers and developers

    Required Skills
    1, 3+ years of experience working in quality engineering
    2, Bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or a related engineering field or relevant professional experience
    3, Hands on experience to design test cases that satisfies complex customer scenarios and create test plans to meet business needs
    4, Solid experience in programming test automation and contributing automation framework
    5, Proven skills to troubleshoot and perform root cause analysis
    6, Solid skills and experience in Linux
    7, Solid understanding of fundamental network protocols (e.g. LAN, TCP/IP, IPv4/IPv6, DNS, HTTP), Hands on experience with network troubleshooting and tools((e.g. tcpdump, netcat)
    8, Familiarity with open source projects (e.g., OVN, OVS, Neutron) and tunneling protocols (VXLAN, GRE, Geneve)
    9, Experience with or the ability to learn Go and Ruby quickly
    10, Experience with or the ability to learn container technologies, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift quickly
    11, Knowledge of Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Google Compute Engine (GCE), VMware, or Microsoft Azure
    12, Expert in testing methodologies and techniques
    13, Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and learn quickly
    14, Solid written and verbal communication skills in English
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