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[北京][美企][Veritas] 大量研发工程师职位诚聘英才

  •   attd · 2019-11-07 00:48:37 +08:00 · 1813 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1921 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Veritas,华睿泰(科技)北京有限公司, 存储界鼎鼎大名,NetBackup/BackupExec/VxVM/VxFS 等产品都出自我们之手

    Principle Engineer : 30W +++
    Sr. Engineer : 20W ~ 30W+
    Software Engineer : 10W ~ 20W

    有意者请将简历以附件形式发邮件到: Alan.Yu@veritas.com
    第 1 条附言  ·  2019-11-08 16:57:14 +08:00
    目前开发职位只有 Software Engineer,暂时没有 Senior 和 Principal 职位
    测试职位 SQA、Sr. SQA、Principal SQA 全都有,另有 Sr. Software Performance Engineer

    JD 如下:

    ### Software Engineer


    Participating in Agile development activities including sprint planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and demos
    Responsible for implementing, testing, and maintaining of software modules with a high quality standard
    To increase the code coverage rate of unit tests and automation tests
    Able to work in various layers of the software stack
    Participating in peer reviews
    Able to work in a fast paced and challenging environment
    Communicate and collaborate among cross-functional teams in a multinational environment


    2+ years’ experience with Python, Perl or Golang
    Experience with intermediate knowledge of the required programming languages (Java, bash is a plus)
    Knowledge of Linux platforms
    Good software engineering skills are a must, as you’ll be working with some of the best in the industry
    Good debugging/problem-solving skills
    A fast learner and self-starter with intellectual horsepower
    Excellent communication skills, both oral and written
    Excellent working in a collaborative team environment
    Ability to work with minimal supervision
    Degree in Computer Science () or equivalent experience required

    Nice to have

    Experience with Agile development methodologies including unit testing, TDD, CI/CD, Pairing, Automated Testing is a plus
    Experience of developing REST based web services is a plus
    Experience in user interface development using Angular JS and HTML5/CSS is a plus
    Knowledge of database (SQL/NoSQL), Networking and Storage is a plus
    Automation knowledge like Robot/Selenium is a plus
    第 2 条附言  ·  2019-11-08 17:00:17 +08:00
    ### Principal SQA Engineer


    Perform end-to-end System Level and Scalability testing of complex configurations that include multi networks, multi sites for replication, Fibre Channel, VMWare, VLAN, Oracle, and large backup/restore workloads
    Simulate large customer and real world scenarios with large applications
    Develop test automation and tools. Participate in peer reviews. Knowledgeable of scripting in Python, Perl or similar languages
    Drives technical issues to a root causes. Perform system-level analysis, capture logs and track it through to resolution
    Develop and execute test strategies, project test plans, test case automation, reports and online documentation
    Communicate and collaborate among cross-functional teams in a multinational environment
    Ability to work in an extremely fast paced and challenging environment


    6+ years’ experience in technical test role with current hands on experience working with enterprise products and/or custom solutions.
    Expert knowledge of QA process and methodology.Experience working in an Agile development environment
    Takes ownership and has a sense of pride in their work
    System testing in complex storage and backup/restore related products
    Good understanding of LAN/WAN architectures, networking protocols, and performance characterization
    Good understanding of High Availability, Disaster Recovery, and backup methodologies
    Knowledge of Perl, Python and bash scripting
    Knowledge of Linux platforms
    Knowledgeable of iSCSI, RAID, SAS, SATA, SSD, and disk drive subsystems
    Knowledgeable of Fibre Channel
    Excellent communication skills, both oral and written
    Continually looking for ways to improve
    Sets a very high bar in terms of quality
    Excellent working in a collaborative team environment
    Outstanding problem-solving and organizational skills
    Ability to work with minimal supervision
    Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience required
    第 3 条附言  ·  2019-11-08 17:02:02 +08:00
    ### Sr. Software Performance Engineer


    Work with architects, hardware and software development group to ensure the hardware and software design meet the marketing requirements
    Conduct root cause analysis of performance issues, propose and implement the solution to fix the issues after root causes are identified and confirmed.
    Served in a leadership role, including provide guidance to lower level engineers, establish best practices and/or procedures to accomplish the objectives of projects
    Perform end-to-end System Level performance and Scalability benchmark of complex configurations that include multi networks, multi sites for replication, Fibre Channel, iSCSI and large backup/restore workloads
    Design and implement performance and capacity testing solutions using a variety of third party and custom tools in a highly available environment
    Troubleshoot complex configuration, infrastructure, networking, and application problems that could impact the performance or capacity of the product.
    Provide release performance assessments and proactively communicate risks and dependencies which may impact the reliability, performance and/or availability of the product.
    Communicate and collaborate among cross-functional teams in a multinational environment
    第 4 条附言  ·  2019-12-02 17:34:45 +08:00
    新开一个 Senior Software Engineer 职位,感兴趣的简历扔过来
    3 条回复    2019-11-07 20:43:17 +08:00
       2019-11-07 13:50:23 +08:00
       2019-11-07 17:02:08 +08:00
       2019-11-07 20:43:17 +08:00
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