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dreampuf 2012-07-21 11:53:19 +08:00 ![]() 碰巧在看Flask的实现。实质是将一个Class Instance 转换为一个(或者多个,随Class 的dispatch_request方法的实现而不同)视图。
直接上代码或许比文档更直接。 @classmethod def as_view(cls, name, *class_args, **class_kwargs): """Converts the class into an actual view function that can be used with the routing system. What it does internally is generating a function on the fly that will instanciate the :class:`View` on each request and call the :meth:`dispatch_request` method on it. The arguments passed to :meth:`as_view` are forwarded to the constructor of the class. """ def view(*args, **kwargs): self = view.view_class(*class_args, **class_kwargs) return self.dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs) if cls.decorators: view.__name__ = name view.__module__ = cls.__module__ for decorator in cls.decorators: view = decorator(view) # we attach the view class to the view function for two reasons: # first of all it allows us to easily figure out what class based # view this thing came from, secondly it's also used for instanciating # the view class so you can actually replace it with something else # for testing purposes and debugging. view.view_class = cls view.__name__ = name view.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ view.__module__ = cls.__module__ view.methods = cls.methods return view 使用举例: class MethodView(View): """Like a regular class based view but that dispatches requests to particular methods. For instance if you implement a method called :meth:`get` it means you will response to ``'GET'`` requests and the :meth:`dispatch_request` implementation will automatically forward your request to that. Also :attr:`options` is set for you automatically:: class CounterAPI(MethodView): def get(self): return session.get('counter', 0) def post(self): session['counter'] = session.get('counter', 0) + 1 return 'OK' app.add_url_rule('/counter', view_func=CounterAPI.as_view('counter')) """ __metaclass__ = MethodViewType def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs): meth = getattr(self, request.method.lower(), None) # if the request method is HEAD and we don't have a handler for it # retry with GET if meth is None and request.method == 'HEAD': meth = getattr(self, 'get', None) assert meth is not None, 'Unimplemented method %r' % request.method return meth(*args, **kwargs) |