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  •   redhatjob · 2016-11-22 13:13:50 +08:00 · 1606 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3000 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    简历发送至 [email protected] 注明应聘渠道 工作地点:海淀区-知春里 薪资面议

    Company Description

    At Red Hat, we connect an innovative community of customers, partners, and contributors to deliver an open source stack of trusted, high-performing technologies that solve business problems. We ’ re a billion dollar S&P 500 company offering solutions from Linux to middleware, storage to cloud, together with award-winning global customer support, consulting, and implementation services. Red Hat was recently named among the Strategic 100 top IT vendors in Asia, and our customers include Nissan, Rural Credit Bank, and Horizon Power.

    Senior Quality Engineer- Virtualization

    Job Summary

    The Red Hat Quality Engineering team is seeking a Senior Quality Engineer to join us in Beijing. In this role, you will focus on virtualization testing, which includes creating test plans, researching new features, and developing automated test scripts. You'll also perform acceptance, function, regression, integration, and performance testing on the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) products. This is a challenging and rewarding opportunity to develop innovative solutions to complex problems while working alongside some of the brightest engineers in the open source industry.

    Primary Job Responsibilities

    Perform new feature research and test plan development

    Create, maintain, and review automated test scripts and test cases

    Analyze, report, and track defects

    Debug software problems

    Operate automated test tools

    Required Skills

    Bachelor's degree with 7+ years working experience, or a master's degree with 5+ years working experience

    3+ years of experience and skills with Linux

    3+ years working experience in software testing or development

    Working experience in virtualization is a plus

    Solid scripting skills and 3+ years experience with Bash, Perl, or Python

    Familiarity with a wide variety of components of virtualization (KVM, XEN, or libvirt tools)

    Senior Quality Engineer-OpenShift

    Job summary

    Red Hat's OpenShift Quality Engineering team is looking for a Senior Quality Engineer with a passion for open source software to join us in Beijing, China. In this role, you will make a difference in products used by millions of people around the world and help build OpenShift Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), a system changing how development is done. You'll be responsible for all aspects of quality for OpenShift by Red Hat, including designing test plans, extending existing automation frameworks, and developing new automated tests for both back and front ends. As a Senior Quality Engineer, you will gain a deep understanding of a variety of popular technologies, including Docker, Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Ansible, middleware, etc.

    Primary job responsibilities

    Develop automation framework and scripts with Ruby, Go, or Bash languages for automation testing and execution

    Participate in the test planning and product planning processes

    Conduct new feature research and design test cases

    Carry out manual tests and deliver clear status for testing areas in a timely manner

    Document and advocate the resolution of new bugs with developers and communicate the impact on customers to developers and support

    Required skills

    Bachelor's degree or higher, or equivalent in computer science or a related field

    5+ years of experience in quality engineering

    Familiarity with testing methodologies and techniques

    Knowledge of the UNIX or Linux operating system (any distribution)

    Programming language skills in Bash, shell, and Java, as well as Go, Ruby, or Python

    The following are considered as a plus: Knowledge of virtualization, Red Hat JBoss Middleware, container technology,, kubernets, Red Hat CloudForms, Red Hat OpenStack Platform, and OpenShift

    Contributions to open source projects or publicly available code samples

    1 条回复    2016-11-23 13:18:26 +08:00
       2016-11-23 13:18:26 +08:00
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