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Bryan0Z 2016-06-22 09:25:38 +08:00 via Android
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shao 2016-06-22 09:37:14 +08:00
也不明白为什么说是神剧,不明觉厉。 |
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20015jjw 2016-06-22 09:43:50 +08:00
nani 我正在看 12 是 13 结束么?
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lgomo 2016-06-22 09:45:34 +08:00
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JRight 2016-06-22 10:04:34 +08:00
从开播第一集追到今天完结,百感交集,不知道说什么好,贴一段我觉得最好的台词吧,是 S04E11 的闪回里 Finch 教机器下棋时的独白
我还以为你想让我教你怎么下棋 I thought you wanted me to teach you how to play. 每一步 都会打开一盘不同的局 Each possible move represents a different game, 创造一个不同的世界 a different universe in which you make a better move. 第二步时 会有 72084 种不同的局 By the second move, there are 72,084 possible games. 第三步时 九百万 By the third, 9 million. 第四步时 By the fourth-- 棋中的变局数量 there are more possible games of chess 超过宇宙中的原子 than there are atoms in the universe. 无人能预知一切 你也不行 No one could possibly predict them all, even you. 也就说第一步会很令人害怕 Which means that that first move can be terrifying. 它是距离结局最远的一步 It's the furthest point from the end of the game, 无穷无尽的可能布满了 there's a virtually infinite sea of possibilities 你走向结局的每一步 between you and the other side. 但这也意味着 即便你犯了错 But it also means that if you make a mistake, 接下来也有无数种补救方法 there's a nearly infinite amount of ways to fix it. 所以放松 出招就好 So you should simply relax and play. It's a useful mental exercise. 多年来 很多思想者 And through the years, many thinkers 为棋痴迷 have been fascinated by it. 但我不喜欢下棋 But I don't enjoy playing. 知道为什么吗 Do you know why not? 因为这种游戏诞生于冷酷的年代 Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age, 当时 生命的价值被忽视 when life counted for little. 所有人都相信 生命有贵贱之分 And everyone believed that some people were worth more than others. 如王 如卒 Kings and pawns. 我不认为生命有贵贱之分 I don't think that anyone is worth more than anyone else. 我知道你未来会遇上极其沉重的决定 I don't envy you the decisions you're gonna have to make. 有一天 我会离去 And one day I'll be gone, 没人能再陪你说话了 and you'll have no one to talk to. 但就算你忘记一切 But if you remember nothing else, 也请一定要记住 please remember this. 棋 只是游戏 Chess is just a game. 人 不是棋子 Real people aren't pieces. 你不能认定生命的贵贱 And you can't assign more value to some of them than to others. 包括我的命 Not to me. 包括任何人的命 Not to anyone. 人命 不可以被牺牲 People are not a thing that you can sacrifice. 这一课的内容是 The lesson is 如果有人把这个世界当一盘棋 that anyone who looks on the world as if it was a game of chess 那他注定失败 deserves to lose. |
li1345200 2016-06-22 10:08:56 +08:00 via Android
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21grams 2016-06-22 10:09:55 +08:00
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kaneyuki 2016-06-22 10:10:42 +08:00
主线太憋屈了,还是日常比较有爱。 最爱 ROOT 酱~~ |
AWWBWG 2016-06-22 10:15:59 +08:00
给你们剧透吧: Reese 最终集战死,小组中除 Root 与 Reese 外存活, 包括 the Machine
不过感觉 Reese 和 Root 都有可能在续命剧集中复活 |
wbt 2016-06-22 11:40:17 +08:00
我喜欢 Root 和 Elias