这是一个创建于 3949 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
有无其他可以推荐的vps?内存、cpu和do 10刀/月一样,但是硬盘比较大,比如40g/50g一个月的。
Can I get a custom sized plan of CPU, RAM, and/or Disk?
We do not currently support the ability to create custom plans where resources can be increased independently.
The sizes that we provide logically bring resources together and allow us to most effectively distribute virtual machines across the backend (as well as deliver the most competitive price to our customers).
The sizes available are found on our Pricing page.
1 条回复 • 1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
![georgetso](https://cdn.v2ex.com/avatar/f5ad/b855/25937_normal.png?m=1566723604) |
georgetso 2014-04-21 10:30:05 +08:00
ssd目前还是有点贵 要不弄一个s3,不那么急迫的内容都丢到s3上好了 s3cmd可以用来用来当接口