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V2EX  ›  ericliu99  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
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2017-02-27 22:34:14 +08:00
回复了 ericliu99 创建的主题 酷工作 亚马逊中国 SDE 招聘内推,请发简历到 [email protected]
Job Description
Amazon is looking for highly motivated engineers interested in delivering the next great innovations to product search on Amazon China. This position is based in the Amazon China (Beijing) office.

Our team is responsible for a wide range of areas, including improvements to search results and search ranking, language-specific search features, spelling correction, auto completion and query intent recognition. We employ a wide range of exciting technologies, including machine learning techniques and large scale distributed systems. We are looking forward to including your knowledge and specific skill set into our team to help us tackle all these challenges - and more.

As a Senior Software Engineer for Search, you will lead the definition and improvements of product search on Amazon China and Amazon product search for other marketplaces, one of the leading online shopping platforms worldwide, helping millions of customers every day to find quickly what they were looking for and discover products they didn't even know Amazon carried. Your improvements to the product search engine will include tailoring search for local language and marketplace, using advanced techniques and tools to mine petabytes of data, and running experiments to detect important areas of improvement and measure success. You will be designing solutions, often from the ground up, that scale to efficiently handle billions of queries each day. You will be working closely with international teams of extremely bright and talented people all over the world, both in business and in technology. The software that you develop, supported by industrial scale development tools, integrates smoothly and efficiently into one of the largest code bases in the world and runs in data centres worldwide. By joining us, you will help to build up local expertise in a team of engineers based in Beijing working on delivering solutions tailored to the Chinese and other markets.

Besides possessing excellent software engineering skills, you must be an innovative thinker and a strong communicator. Working in this position will involve collaborating with English speaking Engineers in the main A9.com office in Palo Alto, as well as Amazon's headquarters in Seattle, and other places.

Your areas of responsibility include:

Implement new search features for China and other marketplaces, in particular features related to query analysis and ranking improvements
Perform competitive analyses of search in the Chinese marketplace, and analyze metrics to improve the quality of search results
Gather search-technology related requirements from various sources, including product category owners, search engine optimization team and customer feedback
Provide search technology training to other technical staff
Work with remote teams (Japan, US, Europe) on global projects

Your benefits:

The opportunity to work for a leading worldwide online retailer
An engaging working environment with excellent career progression
A competitive salary including stock units and other benefits

Are you interested? We are looking forward to receiving your application. Please submit your application including your CV and cover letter in English. Don't forget to state your earliest start date and salary expectations.

By submitting your resume and application information, you authorize Amazon.com to transmit and store your information in the A9.com group of companies' worldwide recruitment database, and to circulate that information as necessary for the purpose of evaluating your qualifications for this or other job vacancies.
Basic Qualifications

Fluency in spoken and written Chinese and very good English skills (including the ability to read technical papers in English)
University degree in computer science or related field, advanced degree preferred
7 or more years coding experience in C++, Java, Python and/or Perl, including working with version control systems, ticket systems and as part of a larger team
7 or more years industry experience or significant open-source programming experience related to search technology, big-data analysis or natural-language processing
Strong algorithm design and analysis skills
A firm understanding of basic programming principles, data structures, Linux, web technologies, relational databases, and systems programming
A genuine passion for improving the Amazon.com search quality as part of an exciting and dynamic team

Preferred Qualifications
Domain expertise in the following areas are pluses:

Information retrieval / search engine technology
Natural language processing / computational linguistics
Probability and statistics
Evaluation methodologies
Machine Learning
Data Mining
2015-12-01 11:32:17 +08:00
回复了 ericliu99 创建的主题 优惠信息 亚马逊工作台灯 500 元优惠券,分享下,有需求的可入!
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