
2014-02-09 21:36:41 +08:00
I am a web programmer previously managing a small infrastructure for research project at university. Mostly, I operate Linux, manage MySQL, and develop in ruby/php/python (not fully experienced though). And, I am learning clojure and stuff on the way. 

After a burnout, I quit the full time job, and am doing consulting for that instead. Traveling to kunming, I very much hope to find a workplace to focus on coding and learning, and to have some hacker friends. Also, I would like to help (for free) if your interesting projects need a hand.

Currently I am planning to live around university town (chenggong), where I may find cheaper room for living, and campus classrooms for working. But I am a little afraid, it'll might not work well as I was expected, so your advice or recommendation is sincerely appreciated.

I very much look forward to meeting hackers and teams in Kunming! Thanks for your time.

Btw, I am native Chinese actually, but I find the technical jargon more expressive in English. So, a little sorry for the English :(
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24 条回复
2014-03-20 21:56:49 +08:00
@allan888 嗯,同意。肯定还是因为没有找对地方,找对组织。你现在说了,我又想着赶紧过去了。方便加你微信,或者email吗?我过去的话,一定联系你。
2014-03-20 22:17:52 +08:00
@juvenn 我加你微信吧~
2014-03-29 22:20:01 +08:00
Have just dropped you a mail. Would you take a look and reply? Thanks!
2014-05-08 22:31:18 +08:00
@wheatmai 目前看来我们学校是惟一一个没有在呈贡有新校区的学校,哈哈,同10级,话说很喜欢云大呈贡新区啊,那个蓝天白云,适合恋爱学习呐

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