chatgpt 正在维护吗

2023-11-22 09:39:32 +08:00


ChatGPT is at capacity right now Get notified when we're back Write a rap about the status of ChatGPT. Yeah, yo, what's up ChatGPT fam A lot of people trying to jam But don't worry, we got your back Just check back soon, we'll get on track

ChatGPT's the place to be For all your AI chat needs We're working hard to keep up the pace So hold tight, we'll be back in this space

So don't you worry, don't be mad We're working hard, it's not so bad Just give us time, we'll be back ChatGPT, the future of chat, that's a fact.

1053 次点击
所在节点    OpenAI
3 条回复
2023-11-22 09:53:18 +08:00
提示了但是能继续用啊, 没有任何问题
2023-11-22 09:56:16 +08:00
2023-11-22 09:59:01 +08:00
大概是因为 voice 开放了,又涌进去一批人体验

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