5 GB SSD Disk Space
512 MB RAM
1 Intel Xeon E5 CPU Core
500 GB Transfer on Gigabit port
Locations: US Florida, US Arizona
1 Dedicated IPv4 address
Platform: OpenVZ/KiwiVM
2-factor authentication
Snapshots (one-click create/restore)
Migrate to another datacenter instantly at any time from KiwiVM
Linux OS: 32-bit and 64-bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora
OpenVPN Installer
PPP and VPN support (tun/tap)
Instant rDNS update
Instant OS reload
99.5% uptime guarantee
不抽风的时候,这家的线路到上海电信还不错ping值140ms左右,选的Arizona的机房。单线程下载能跑到 3MB/s 左右。
曾经的绝版9.99的以为再也不会有了, 没想到又放出来了。
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