Greetings from New Relic T-Shirt Fairy!
We thought you'd like to know we shipped your free American Apparel Men's T-Shirt. You can expect delivery in 5-6 business days via the postal service. Outside the USA, allow 1-4 weeks depending on customs clearance.
============ SHIPMENT DETAILS =============
Product: American Apparel Men's T-Shirt
Color: Asphalt
Size: Large
Qty Ordered: 1
Qty Shipped: 1
xxxxxxx xxxxxx
Redemption #: 2286xx
If it's been more than two weeks (4 weeks outside the USA) and your shipment has not arrived, simply reply to this email and our Customer Love team will get back to you shortly.
1-866-459-7990 fine folks will answer all your questions...I hope
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