iPhone 15 系列过热,软件修复即将到来,难道是降频?把 10%的 CPU 提升再按回去?

2023-10-01 07:30:35 +08:00
Apple will issue a software update to address iPhone 15 overheating complaints


An Apple spokesperson told CNBC:

“We have identified a few conditions which can cause iPhone to run warmer than expected. The device may feel warmer during the first few days after setting up or restoring the device because of increased background activity. We have also found a bug in iOS 17 that is impacting some users and will be addressed in a software update. Another issue involves some recent updates to third-party apps that are causing them to overload the system. We’re working with these app developers on fixes that are in the process of rolling out.”

一位苹果公司的发言人告诉 CNBC:

“我们已经发现了一些情况,它们会导致 iPhone 运行时的温度比预期要高。在设置或恢复设备的最初几天里,由于后台活动增加,设备可能会感觉更热。我们还发现 iOS 17 中存在一个错误,这影响了一些用户,将会在一个软件更新中得到解决。另一个问题涉及到一些第三方应用的最近更新,这导致它们过载了系统。我们正在与这些应用的开发者合作,正在推出一些修复措施。”
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2023-10-03 20:34:13 +08:00

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