[Remote] Software Engineer - Backend (Golang)

2023-08-09 01:27:41 +08:00

我们( Connectly.ai )是一家硅谷创业公司,我在这家公司远程了大半年,CTO 是中国人,公司最近 A 轮融资成功,打算在国内招人,工资待遇大概在 20K-40K/月+期权。公司的整体节奏还是比较快,没有强制性的加班,我平均下来是 975 (初期需要投入更多的时间 onboarding ),每周大概 2 次左右晚上 1 点左右开会。

另外我们也招一名高级测试开发,主要是能结合 newman+Postman 做接口自动化测试,Cypress 做 UI 的测试。

在 boss 直聘上发了岗位,但是感觉没什么人投递,不知道是姿势哪里不对。

有意者请发送中英文简历各一份到 eW9uZ2thbkBjb25uZWN0bHkuYWk=

At Connectly we are building a revolutionary e-commerce experience on WhatsApp. Unlike traditional shopping experiences where you have to download an app, or sign up on a website, we allow customers to engage and transact directly within the thread.

By choosing Connectly you will join a VC-backed series A startup, work with our world-class team, and experience rapid career advancement opportunities.

About the team: CEO Stefanos was the global Head of Messenger at Facebook. CTO Yandong was CTO of Strava. Other founding members have experience working for Google, Facebook, Uber and other startups.

We are looking for a full-time software engineer to join our team (global/remote) and work alongside our talented engineers growing our SaaS AI Marketing platform by focusing on our product backend.

Responsibilities for now and the future
- Focus on product engineering
- Develop on a modern tech stack built with the latest technologies. (Golang, Python, AWS/Terraform, gRPC/Buf, Typescript/React)
- Gradually scale up our customer operations by expanding our product offerings for our customers and becoming a tech leader in this part of the company.
- Delight our customers with cutting edge features and reliable products.
- Build efficient, reusable, scalable and testable products and systems.
- Contribute to system architecture design decisions.
- Draft technical specs/recommendations/documentation.

Skills that will come in handy
- Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related field.
- 3+ years of experience in software development.
- Experience with Golang and/or Python
- Strong communication skills – verbal and written and the ability to work in an international, multi-cultural environment.
- Love what we are building and can personally relate to messaging

- An amazing team to work with and a hyper-growth company
- Competitive pay & equity
- Remote role
- Unlimited Time Off
- Flexible Work Hours
- A supportive, caring and learning environment
3697 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
27 条回复
2023-08-09 11:25:21 +08:00
@Georgedoe 大部分外企都是这样,可能外国人还没说啥,国人项目经理就自觉把国内员工不当人,无所谓国人什么时间方便不方便,一切以外国人为中心。说白了就是舔
2023-08-09 12:40:49 +08:00
2023-08-09 14:28:36 +08:00
上家硅谷电商,也没 1 点,一般就是国内上午开或者八九点 meeting 。说白了,chinese cheap labour 还很多
2023-08-09 14:48:15 +08:00
@iOCZ 是啊,最后就牺牲中国人了。op 自己打的字,觉得一点问题都没有。
2023-08-10 11:22:19 +08:00
@seaguest 问一下面试需要全英文吗
2023-08-10 11:31:53 +08:00
这个价格,还不如大厂 996 的工资,强度比大厂还高,哪里来的自信
2023-08-10 11:42:20 +08:00
1 点开始开会,4 点结束会议

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