SourceTree 将在下个版本加入中文和日文语言

2014-01-08 19:33:59 +08:00

Last push for SourceTree for Windows 1.4

We intend to include as many translations as we can in the next major version of SourceTree for Windows, which is due very soon. We only want to include translations that are complete, or mostly complete, and at the time of writing that only applies to Japanese and Chinese. We have a number of other languages which are around 60% complete but that's not really enough to deploy, we'd like to get to at least 80% before including them. So if you'd like your language to be included in the next update, please help us complete the translation so it can be supported!
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3 条回复
2014-01-08 19:57:20 +08:00
2014-01-08 20:11:50 +08:00
@freefcw 倒是最后一些长段的把进度卡了
最近在搞 Ghost 文档的润色,也没空看
2014-01-09 18:21:12 +08:00
@sanddudu 长段翻译起来确实也够麻烦的了,还得注意润色,调词序够费脑细胞了。之前花时间弄了一部分

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