The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Test Invitation

2014-01-08 12:36:36 +08:00

Welcome back to the ESO beta! You've been invited to participate in a beta event from Friday, January 10th at 6:00PM EST until Sunday, January 12th at 11:59PM EST.

If you already have an account, disregard the beta key in this email. All you need to do is log in and begin patching!

If you have not created an account, you'll need to create one and redeem the beta key provided in this email here. Keys from previous invitations that haven't been redeemed are now invalid.


Please note that our login process has changed: To log in, use the username you registered (instead of your email address).

Explore Tamriel and share your feedback with us in-game. During this test, you'll be able to create a character in any of the three alliances, fight your way through dungeons, lay siege to your enemies on the battlefields of Cyrodiil, and much more!

Make sure to check the forums for updates during the session. Visit your account page if you need to re-download the game client, and please contact customer support if you encounter any issues.

Thank you for your participation!

-The Elder Scrolls Online Team
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