诚请全职 full stack developer. tech stack 不限, Fully Remote, 地点不限。7500 - 20000 RMB 之间。

2023-07-29 01:42:40 +08:00


Founder 是硅谷之前的工程师转架构师。想要在业余时间创业。这次请的是第一个元老员工。


我虽然无法提供顶级待遇(至少现在做不到),我能提供的是愉快的工作环境和永久的远程工作环境。 我可以保证两年之内都不用担心工作稳定问题因为我是从自己的积蓄里来烧的。 我也不在乎你一星期是工作 5 小时还是 50 个小时。我在乎你在我们一起达成共识的规定时间之内完成你的任务。


总结来说,我在寻找又是同事又是朋友的人选。 如果感兴趣的话,请发简历(中英都可)到这里:bGlAY29kZWxlc3N1bml2ZXJzZS5jb20K | base64


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  3. Take home assignment
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4010 次点击
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29 条回复
2023-07-31 22:05:53 +08:00
在大厂搞过一年 low-code
但看 OP 说的这个范畴有点宽不是很明确
2023-08-01 08:27:06 +08:00
看楼主回复的这么详细,应该没什么问题。问题其实主要在于 take home assignment 这个形式,即使在国外也是备受诟病的,就像国内越是大厂就越爱拉一堆竞品公司的简历,去问人家技术细节。我理解要是出一些通用型的题目,避免跟行业关联,就还好。
2023-08-01 11:02:24 +08:00
@wzy44944 我遇到过上来直接问 no code 技术核心的.. 还不停打断你 不要聊他知道的
2023-08-03 08:40:09 +08:00
大家的背景都非常优秀,如果我有足够的资金的话我估计会请 50%以上我面过的人。
顺便给自己留个关于这次 take home assignment 的结尾,我本来要周末前拟 4 份 Take home 的,结果一份都没写。
2023-08-26 10:45:28 +08:00
我是楼主 #6 提到的,认为楼主用 take home assignment 白嫖工作结果,且退回补偿的网友。

先看下楼主给的 take home assignment ,
我收到的,并不像楼主在 #13 楼提到的 可以在 “4-8 个小时内完成的那种”
而且楼主给的是 1 周时间

> We would like you to design and implement a membership system that is easily changeable.
> Here’s the current Growth Channel Membership levels. They are located in:https://growthchannel.io/pricing
> The purpose of this assignment is to see how you would design your web app to determine membership, how account’s behavior would change, and if we want to change our membership in the future, how would your web app react to it and what do need to change on that?
> For the purpose of this assessment, you can create mock users with different account levels. So don’t worry about creating a whole sign in system and such.
> Requirements:
> Frontend must be written in React.
> You are going to need 3 pages for this assignment below:
> A profile page that shows the current user information
> A team page where based on your membership level, add or remove team members
> A workspace page, where based on your membership level, add or remove workspaces
> Feel free to copy the account pages on growth channel app. You can do so by creating a free account and seeing the design yourself.
> Backend must be written in Django
> You are going to need at least these api endpoints for this assignment, if you feel more is needed, feel free to add as you desire:
> listTeamMember - returns all team members for the current user
> addTeamMember - add a team member
> removeTeamMember - remove a team member
> listWorkspace - returns all work spaces for the current user
> addWorkspace - add a team member
> removeWorkspace - remove a team member
> How are you going to restrict these actions based on the membership types?
> Database, use any database of your choice.
> You can design the database however you want. It will be an important part for my assessment to see how your design works.
> Acceptance Criteria:
> You should have a git repository for us to pull from.
> There should be a README file to guide us on how to run your code as well as testing its functionality.
> You should have your components dockerized for easy demonstration. Ideally, you should have a docker-compose file with all the environments setup. So all we have to do is to pull your git repo, and do docker-compose up. Then we can test out all the functionalities.
> 在收到这份 e-mail 之后,你会有一周的时间完成它。如果你需要推迟的话,请跟我联络。
> 就像我之前说的,assessment 结束后不管成功与否,我们都会对你进行补偿。
> 期待看到你的成果。

为什么觉得楼主的 200 刀补偿是侮辱?

- 首先改正下,楼主给我发的是 125 刀,不是 200 刀

- 觉得 125 刀是侮辱的主要原因是楼主在转账留言里说这个价格是根据我的付出给的,原话是:"The price was determined on the effort, difficulty, and completion of the assessment." 我觉得我的付出&完成度要远高于这个价格

- 接受不了楼主给的*公道*价格,所以把钱退回去了、

为什么认为楼主用 take home assignment 白嫖工作结果?

- 面试流程结束后,楼主明确表示已选择到合适候选人后,Github 代码仓库的 Traffic Referring sites 里连续两天有来自 Trello 的流量。什么人会收藏这个仓库 URL 并连续访问呢?

- 现在回看 这个 take home assignment 的描述,完全就是楼主项目里的需求

2023-08-27 00:18:20 +08:00
4-8 小时的确有点激进,我感觉要 8-12 小时因为需要了解业务。不过给 1 周时间可能是考虑到日常工作什么的,这也并不是 40 小时的工作量。
op 的业务与 https://growthchannel.io/pricing 有关吗?如果有关的话,我认为这可能不是一个很好的 take home 题目。为了避嫌起见应该出与己方业务完全无关的题。
2023-08-27 22:54:36 +08:00

- 我是花 3 个工作日完成的前端+后端,这个题目继续往下做一周都做不完,我是有意克制,尽量保持 MVP 才能在 3 天完成。
- 这个题目就是楼主自己的系统一部分。你发的链接就是楼主要重构的业务系统
2023-08-28 00:27:38 +08:00
看来我估算有误,如果是 20 个小时以上的工作量只给了 125 刀的确不合适。
2023-08-29 09:18:04 +08:00
@johnwood 这个题目后端对我来说很轻松,但是我写页面慢一点主要原因是平时写的少不熟练。当然平时上班还要做这种题目还是有点不适应的。但是我发简历 op 直接把我拒了。主要原因我觉得国内和北美对技术考察的侧重点不一样,国内的大型业务是远复杂于北美小公司的业务的,国内更看重潜力因为没有多少业务会完全相同,北美小公司更看重直接的经验。

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