[Jobs at Intel] Senior Software Engineer for HTML5-Shanghai

2013-12-25 14:34:55 +08:00
Pls. send your resume to daisy.yang@intel.com to apply. Thanks!

Job Description:
Developer Products Division (DPD) under Software and Services Group (SSG) has an opening for a Software Engineer to work in the Mobile Computing and Compilers team. The Software Engineer will design and develop new generations of Intel(R) HTML5/JavaScript software development tools such as Intel(R) XDK (http://xdk-software.intel.com/) and XDK series HTML5 tool products targeting for local and global users.

• Position requires Bachelor of Science or Master degree in Computer Science / Computer Engineering or related fields;
• Strong and solid knowledge and problem solving skills in HTML/JavaScript/CSS programming;
• 3+ years web app development and optimization experience;
• Working knowledge of shell scripts and the GNU tool chain on Linux.
• Familiar with software release, version control, bug tracking tools and processes;
• Highly self-motivated to work on new initiatives;
• Good communication and collaboration skills;
• Fluent in both Mandarin and English;
• Vertical software development experience is a plus.
3115 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
3 条回复
2013-12-26 04:23:37 +08:00
这和 nodewebkit 项目有关吧?是同一个团队吗?
2013-12-29 13:16:02 +08:00
@tangzx 必须得硕士或者博士学历...
2013-12-29 20:19:03 +08:00
@xvfeng bachelor 是本科学历的意思吧?

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