有了 ChatGPT 等 AI 工具后,技术面试应该要有什么样的改变?

2023-05-28 22:57:23 +08:00

最近看到How Will ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Change Schools and Learning? | Tech News Briefing - YouTube


What schools really need to be thinking about is how to change not only how we teach but even what we teach, what we expect students to learn so that instead of teaching memorization and wrote practice, we teach creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, and the use of technology for doing the things that right now students are doing by pen and paper.

如果应用到技术面试中的话,你觉得什么是 memorization ?什么是、怎么考察 creativity, problem solving, critical thinking ?

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2023-05-29 15:09:13 +08:00

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