Github Copilot X 申请通过了!

2023-05-09 22:20:37 +08:00
Welcome to the Copilot chat private beta!
You're off the waitlist and can start using Copilot chat.

Getting Started
Here are the instructions to get started:

Before starting, please make sure that the GitHub ID you intend to use has an active subscription to GitHub Copilot and matches the ID that you used to join the GitHub Copilot chat waitlist.

For Visual Studio Code:

Download and install Visual Studio Code - Insiders
Already on the Insiders build? Make sure you are on the latest version!
In VS Code Insiders, go to the Extensions tab (Cmd+Shift+X) in the activity panel and search for and install the GitHub Copilot Nightly extension.
If you have not previously authorized VS Code Insiders in your GitHub account, follow the steps to do so, you will be prompted to sign in.
A new Chat icon appears in the activity panel. Click on it to see the conversation interface.
If that doesn't work, restart the editor and authorize GitHub Copilot to see the chat window.
For Visual Studio:

Ensure you're running Visual Studio 2022 17.5.1 or higher. If not, please update.
Download and install the Visual Studio extension for GitHub Copilot - Preview
Ensure you are logged in to Visual Studio using the same GitHub ID that you signed up for the waitlist using. If you are not signed with an authorized account you’ll be prompted to do so. If you are already logged in with your GitHub ID in your Visual Studio, please check you don’t need to re-enter your GitHub credentials. Here is the link with instructions to Add your GitHub ID to your Visual Studio signin.
Start Visual Studio. Once fully loaded, check that the GitHub Copilot chat window shows on your View menu. Then verify that “Ask Copilot” appears at the top of the right click menu in your code editor when a code file is open.
Feedback and Issues
This is a technical preview release so you are likely to encounter some bugs and issues. Please send feedback while you're using the technical preview.

For Copilot Chat in VS Code, use the feedback button in the chat panel.

For Visual Studio, please use this survey to raise any bugs and issues you find.

Terms of Use
When you install the extension, you agree to GitHub Copilot chat preview terms. You should also review this important transparency information about GitHub Copilot Chat preview.

The GitHub Copilot Team

今晚九点收到的邮件,目前只支持 VS Code Insiders 和 VS 17.5.1 版本及以上,可以解释(explain)、修复(fix)、简化(simplify)、测试(test)选中的代码。


5055 次点击
所在节点    GitHub Copilot
9 条回复
2023-05-09 22:38:31 +08:00
2023-05-10 01:17:30 +08:00
2023-05-10 07:54:27 +08:00
2023-05-10 08:17:33 +08:00
2023-05-10 08:26:32 +08:00
2023-05-10 11:09:43 +08:00
2023-05-10 12:14:38 +08:00
我也刚通过了,简单试用了一下,感觉集成度还不如 Cursor ?现在 Cursor 也改成基于 vscode 的了
2023-05-16 23:12:52 +08:00
X 代表着一系列 copilot 工具,Chat 只是一环而已。

所以只是 GitHub Copilot Chat 通过而已。
2023-05-23 09:56:03 +08:00
刚刚通过,体验了一下。目前 Copilot Chat 还是只能基于单文件上下文工作,只能对当前窗口的文件进行分析。体验下来除了速度快感觉相比 ChatGPT 免费版没什么大优势,适合用来修小工具的 Bug 之类的轻量任务。

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