请教下 duckdns 的问题

2023-04-25 01:11:20 +08:00


1 、没有公网

2 、需求是访问家里套了 duckdns 的 bitwarden

3 、目前在外是通过改 host 加 tailscale 的方式访问 bitwarden

想请教下,只能通过改 host 才能访问家里的服务吗?如果非得这样,那么移动端该如何访问?

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6 条回复
2023-04-25 07:31:40 +08:00
你没有公网套 duckdns 是有什么用呢?
2023-04-25 08:33:09 +08:00
@luckjoe680 用来给服务上 https
2023-04-25 09:05:54 +08:00
1 、试试最新的 Tailscale 新功能 Tailscale Funnel: https://tailscale.com/kb/1223/tailscale-funnel/
2 、cloudflared tunnel 内网穿透
3 、frp 内网穿透
2023-04-25 09:16:38 +08:00
@totoro625 好的 谢谢 我试试
2023-04-25 13:43:30 +08:00
@zbzzhh 没有公网 ip 的话 用自签名的就行了
2023-04-27 02:59:05 +08:00
研读了 tailscale 文档发现是 DNS REBINDING PROTECTION 的问题,如下:

DNS servers that have DNS rebinding protection enabled will block DNS responses that include a private IP address. On the public Internet, that does not cause any problems because public websites do not use private IP addresses. When accessing devices on your private network, this becomes an issue if the DNS names of those devices are visible to public DNS servers because sometimes those DNS responses will be blocked.


Use the Tailscale DNS configuration with the ‘override local DNS’ option enabled to send all DNS queries (other than MagicDNS or domain names configured to use specific nameservers) to a public DNS service that does not include DNS rebinding protection. This is similar to the previous option but applies to the entire tailnet.

谢谢各位,现在可以通过 tailscale 访问 duckdns 记录的内网 ip 域名了。

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