测试 Auto-GPT Python scripts/ --gpt3only 出现 RuntimeError: Failed to get response after 5 retries

2023-04-14 14:55:17 +08:00
1263 次点击
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4 条回复
2023-04-14 16:57:24 +08:00
Using memory of type: LocalCache
Token limit: 4000
Memory Stats: (0, (0, 1536))
Token limit: 4000
Send Token Count: 907
Tokens remaining for response: 3093
------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
System: The current time and date is Fri Apr 14 16:53:50 2023

System: This reminds you of these events from your past:

User: Determine which next command to use, and respond using the format specified above:

----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
Error: API Rate Limit Reached. Waiting 20 seconds...
Error: API Rate Limit Reached. Waiting 20 seconds...
Error: API Rate Limit Reached. Waiting 20 seconds...
Error: API Rate Limit Reached. Waiting 20 seconds...
Error: API Rate Limit Reached. Waiting 20 seconds...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/", line 461, in <module>
File "scripts/", line 365, in main
assistant_reply = chat.chat_with_ai(
File "E:\PyCharmProject\Auto-GPT\scripts\", line 126, in chat_with_ai
assistant_reply = create_chat_completion(
File "E:\PyCharmProject\Auto-GPT\scripts\", line 50, in create_chat_completion
raise RuntimeError("Failed to get response after 5 retries")
RuntimeError: Failed to get response after 5 retries
2023-04-14 21:28:36 +08:00
看 GitHub 上有回复让转为付费账户( ) 人麻了
2023-04-14 23:08:30 +08:00
@eastcukt 更正下,我的问题是账户过期了(四月一号那批)
2023-04-15 14:20:04 +08:00

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