Chatgpt 写代码不太行,但是买鞋子真的是牛逼

2023-04-12 01:17:56 +08:00
最近开了个新的 django 项目,用 chatgpt 写的,发现帮助还是很有限,只能解决一些片段细节的问题

然后我最近季末买打折滑雪装备的时候,发现 chatgpt 用来做选购小助手真的是牛逼,我把我预选的及格雪鞋型号给它,它直接给我对比。最后买到一双非常合脚的雪鞋
8924 次点击
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33 条回复
2023-04-12 16:30:23 +08:00
2 年前的数据库对买东西真的有用么
2023-04-12 16:46:33 +08:00
@PerFectTime 真正用过 chatgpt 搞开发的才知道,生成代码 so easy ,运行代码 so hard
2023-04-12 17:11:47 +08:00
我问他 kpw5 屏幕几寸的,他会一本正经的说 6 寸,其实是 6.8 寸的。
2023-04-12 17:40:14 +08:00
ChatGPT 写代码不太行,但 Review 代码是宗师级别的
2023-04-12 17:50:46 +08:00
@coyoteer #22 我就给他胡说八道的 nginx+lua 配置骗了一个下午
2023-04-12 17:57:20 +08:00
2023-04-12 18:21:51 +08:00
2023-04-12 20:21:24 +08:00
2023-04-12 21:08:59 +08:00
chatgpt 有个问题是无论答案是否靠谱准确,它都能自信满满作答,信任它有可能得到错误答案,不信它得花时间校对答案,有点鸡肋呢。
2023-04-12 21:25:35 +08:00
要准确还是得用 new bing
2023-04-12 21:27:00 +08:00
@registerrr #30 用 new bing 的精确模式, 基本上一些简单的问题还是不错的
2023-04-13 01:56:47 +08:00
大多数情况下我感觉还是 work 的,我基本上也只拿他来写一些很简单但是麻烦的代码,但是逻辑复杂度一上来就不太行了,包括比较新的技术或者依赖都不是很熟悉。
2023-04-14 03:06:55 +08:00
不吹不黑,买雪鞋,gpt 真没乱说。
Tecnica Mach Sport HV 100 Ski Boots vs Nordica Cruise 120 Ski Boots vs HEAD EDGE LYT 80 SKI BOOTS, which one is better for wide feet?

When it comes to ski boots for wide feet, it's essential to consider the boot's last width, which refers to the width of the forefoot area. Wider lasts generally provide a better fit for people with wider feet. Here's a quick comparison of the three ski boots you mentioned:

Tecnica Mach Sport HV 100 Ski Boots: This boot features a last width of 103 mm, which falls into the category of high-volume or wider fit. It offers good comfort and performance for skiers with wide feet.

Nordica Cruise 120 Ski Boots: These boots have a 104 mm last width, making them suitable for wide feet as well. They provide a comfortable fit and decent performance for intermediate to advanced skiers.

HEAD Edge LYT 80 Ski Boots: The last width of these boots is 102 mm, which is also considered to be on the wider side. They offer a comfortable fit and are designed for beginner to intermediate skiers.

Based on the last width, all three ski boots can accommodate wide feet. However, the Nordica Cruise 120 Ski Boots have the widest last width at 104 mm, potentially making them the best option for individuals with wide feet. Keep in mind that personal preference, skill level, and intended use also play a significant role in choosing the right ski boot. It's always best to try on multiple ski boots and consult with a boot fitter to find the perfect fit for your individual needs.

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