睡醒收到消息,白嫖 ChatGPT Plus 两个月

2023-04-07 09:45:03 +08:00

刚开通的时候被重复扣款扣了两笔,当时还有点小心疼,联系客服没有任何回复,还想着算了,今天一睡醒收到退款邮件,白捡 40 刀

Dear ChatGPT customer,

You’re receiving this email because your account was affected by a bug that may have allowed you to inadvertently make duplicate ChatGPT Plus purchases.

We have been working as quickly as possible and have taken the following actions on your account:

Issued a refund for any ChatGPT Plus charges made between February and March associated with your email address. Out of an abundance of caution, proactively canceled any active ChatGPT Plus subscriptions so future payments will not be automatically collected. Granted you free ChatGPT Plus access until May 4, 2023. Please be aware that since your subscription was canceled, you'll need to re-subscribe after May 4, 2023 if you wish to continue using ChatGPT Plus.

We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused. Your personal information and billing details remain secure and at no point was your data compromised.

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2023-04-07 11:15:57 +08:00

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