[上海 / 外企] 有👻灵魂感的全栈工程师

2023-02-22 10:31:10 +08:00
chennuo  chennuo

帮忙转发一个硅谷创业公司的招聘信息哈,创始人是我前公司 BOSS ,有多年创业经验。老公司的是在中国细分领域的 NO.1, 现在他重新选择进入新赛道:

我们是一家 content creation SaaS for 🎨creators everywhere in the 🌎world 。我们相信 OpenAI 领衔的🧠AGI 将会为全球 SaaS 行业带来 10 年之久的爆发性大机会,我们更相信 generative AI 会开发出视频和直播的内容创作者们 10x 以上的💪潜能。

下个月我们的产品将会基于 GPT-3 有巨大的💫更新,也会在(传说中) 3 月 GPT-3.5 开放后立即开始接入。

🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼我们团队近半来自 ByteDance ,还有来自 Airbnb, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Alibaba 等中美一线互联网公司,分别在🇨🇳上海,🇨🇳北京,🇺🇸硅谷,🇺🇸洛杉矶,🇺🇸迈阿密和🇺🇸芝加哥。毕业院校来自北大、复旦、南大、北航、武大、Columbia 、Berkeley 、CMU 、UIUC 等。

💸我们的投资人几乎集齐了中国最顶尖的美元基金:红杉,高瓴,光速,DCM ,真格,云九

我们在找真正有👻灵魂感的全栈工程师,和我们一起🧐hack the critical problems and 💡build the best products;🔮revolutionize the global creator economy and 🎉champion the success altogether.

Website for private beta: https://www.opus.pro Company LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/immersiveopus

You will join a dynamic team that is dedicated to delivering world-class products and services to our customers. Our engineering culture is centered around several core values:

  • Customer obsession: We go through UX feedback and bugs from our users daily, and continuously prioritize and address them within as soon as 2 days.
  • Debriefing: We value the radical, transparent debriefing culture of the Israeli army to learn and grow from previous projects.
  • Over communication: We encourage everyone to over share key updates and risks as we believe that key information is easily lost during meetings and conversations in a globalized team.
  • Craftsmanship: We improve craftsmanship together through shared learnings such as Clean Code as well as Aigle Principles.

Your responsibility



Our offering

Send resume to: jobs@opus.pro

1117 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
2 条回复
2023-02-22 10:44:19 +08:00
更正一下 title ,是我了解的不足够 [上海 / 硅谷] 好
2023-02-22 11:01:31 +08:00
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