Cyber Monday 打折/限免 Apps 汇总[Mac/iOS/Android]

2013-12-03 10:25:52 +08:00
# Mac Apps
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12/Premiere Elements 12 ($70) | Normally $130
Adobe Lightroom V5 ($60) | Normally $100 | Promo code LR5CM
50% off TextExpander Licenses
Yummy FTP ($1) | Normally $5
Hider ($5) | Normally $10 | Hide sensitive files
Geekbench 3 ($6) | Normally $10
FREE Highlight Hunter Pro | Normally $30 | Automatically find the good parts of home videos
FREE Eggscellent | Normally $10 | Pomodoro timer. Formerly Pomodorable
FREE Gemini | Normally $10 | Duplicate file finder
QuickRes ($1) | Normally $2 | Change your resolution, and run retina displays at their native resolution
You Need A Budget ($30) | Normally $60
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 ($50) | Amazon | Normally $100
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 $49.99
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Phlo ($2) | Normally $4 | Search multiple search engines

# Games
FREE The Walking Dead Assault | Normally $3
FREE Mikey Shorts | Normally $1 | Platformer
Mikey Hooks ($1) | Normally $2 | Platformer with a grappling hook
Fieldrunners 2 HD ($3) | Normally $5
Pandemic: The Board Game ($3) | Normally $7
Sky Gamblers: Rise of Glory ($1) | Normally $3
Sky Gamblers: Air Supremacy ($1) | Normally $3
Shadowrun Returns for iPad ($7) | Normally $10 | RPG
SOULCALIBUR ($7) | Normally $15

# Apps
CanOpener ($1) | Normally $3 | Fine tune headphone output
FREE Stitch It | Normally $3 | Combine screenshots of text conversations
FREE Seedio | Normally $3 | Chain iOS devices together to play music in sync
FREE Geló | Normally $1 | Photo editor
PDF Reader Pro for iPad ($1) | Normally $10
Lory Stripes ($1) | Normally $2 | Add stripes to photos
Unbound HD For Dropbox ($1) | Normally $3 | Dropbox photo browser
Unbound For Dropbox ($1) | Normally $3 | Dropbox photo browser
TomTom: US and Mexico ($40) | Normally $60
TomTom USA ($30) | Normally $50
Dataman Pro for iPad ($3) | Normally $5 | Track data usage
Wiki Offline ($5) | Normally $10
FREE Skylive | Normally $1 | Stargazing forecast
FREE Wikilinks | Normally $1 | Wikipedia Reader
Agendar Calendar 4 ($1) | Normally $2 | Lifehacker review
Clear+ (Universal) ($3) | Normally $5
Clear (iPhone) ($1) | Normally $2 | Iconic to-do list
Polaris Office ($1) | Normally $20
Animoog ($5) | Normally $30 | Synthesizer
Checkmark ($5) | Normally $10 | Lifehacker review
Today Weather ($1) | Normally $2
Delivery Status Touch ($3) | Normally $5 | The best app to track all the stuff you bought today.
1Password ($10) | Normally $18 | Password manager
Missives ($1) | Normally $3 | Quick-compose emails
PowerUp - Retro 8-Bit Video Game Camera ($1) | Normally $2 | Gizmodo review
SyncSpace ($10) | Normally $20 | Collaborative white board
Boxer ($1) | Normally $6 | Email client. Lifehacker review.
FREE Trackle | Normally $2 | Project time tracker
Weather Notifications ($1) | Normally $2 | Push alerts for weather events
Actions for iPad ($1) | Normally $4 | Automate tasks
Phlo ($2) | Normally $3 | Multiple search engines in one app

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9 条回复
2013-12-03 10:36:06 +08:00
游戏合集The Best Cyber Monday Gaming Deals
2013-12-03 10:55:51 +08:00
2013-12-03 11:05:26 +08:00
Unbound for Mac 有人用过么?好不好使?

我的 Dropbox Camra Upload 目录下一堆的相片,都是自动上传 iOS 相片里的相片,看介绍这个 APP 可以梳理这些相片,但 68 元觉得有点贵。
2013-12-03 11:10:52 +08:00
LightRoom过期了... 否则肯定买了... 叹气
2013-12-03 12:29:09 +08:00
@xiaket 你可以买 70 刀的,
2013-12-03 12:29:26 +08:00
@xiaket 不过期的话,newegg购买也比较麻烦
2013-12-03 12:35:03 +08:00
@SkYoung 亚马逊也有
2013-12-03 13:48:37 +08:00
2013-12-03 13:53:20 +08:00
@roamlog 试了下, 貌似需要美国信用卡... :( thx

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