「求助」sublime4 一直弹 safe mode

2022-11-22 12:48:55 +08:00

mac 系统,免费版 sublime4

早上想折腾一下浅色主题,未曾想保存后再次打开 sublime 就一直弹出 safe mode 的弹窗。

重装了 sublime 还是问题依旧,删了 sublime 的相关目录也还是如此。




Safe Mode

Sublime Text has been started in safe mode.

Safe mode causes Sublime Text to use a separate directory to store packages, settings and state information. This provides a pristine environment and leaves the normal mode data directory intact.

Please note that all unsaved buffers, settings changes, package installs and other configuration changes will be erased the next time the application is started in safe mode.

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2 条回复
2022-11-25 21:35:50 +08:00
2022-11-28 09:54:33 +08:00
@jfcherng #1 应该不是。代码一直在正常敲的。

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