[请教] 关于文本替换多个相同字符串的方法

2022-11-04 11:36:56 +08:00
{name: "test1", server: xxxxxxx, port: 12345, type: ssr, cipher: chacha20-ietf, password: 12345, protocol: auth_aes128_sha1, obfs: plain, protocol-param: 15978:riUoXP, obfs-param: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, udp: true}
{name: "test2", server: xxxxxxx, port: 12345, type: ssr, cipher: chacha20-ietf, password: 12345, protocol: auth_aes128_sha1, obfs: plain, protocol-param: 15999:riUoXP, obfs-param: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, udp: true}

有多个这样的文本内容,我想把全文中 protocol-param 的参数两边加上单引号,请问用 sed,awk 之类的命令要如何写呢?

我之前写了个:sed -r "s/protocol-param:(.*),/protocol-param:'\1',/g" Foo.yaml
{name: "test1", server: xxxxxxx, port: 12345, type: ssr, cipher: chacha20-ietf, password: 12345, protocol: auth_aes128_sha1, obfs: plain, protocol-param:' 15978:riUoXP, obfs-param: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', udp: true}

后面的'单引号加在了最后一个,逗号前了,V 友有什么好办法吗?
1570 次点击
所在节点    Linux
2 条回复
2022-11-04 12:22:58 +08:00
sed -r "s/protocol-param:([^,]+),/protocol-param:'\1',/g" Foo.yaml
2022-11-04 14:38:30 +08:00
@hxy100 非常感谢,这个可行呐!

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