Looking forword a developer to work on snapano.com

2022-10-03 11:51:50 +08:00

Three.Js Developer


This is a start-up project, and the first version has been launched. You can see the demo effect on the official website.

Currently we are hiring developers to build an Online Isometric 3D editor for network topology templates, where customers can edit network topology and compose network topology solutions.

After doing some technical research, I know the techniques I need to master to complete this project.

My application is built on open source code such as Three.js components, which are also built around the main HTML5 Canvas technology, which uses highly custom React-Three-Fiber webGL filters for morphing and perspective effects for model items and images.

We can agree on an hourly rate or overall budget for the entire project and a monthly salary for maintenance after the project is complete.

If you are a developer with experience in Javascript, ThreeJS, React and WebGL, please email:flashoop@gmail.com or discord:flashoop#9674 or WeChat: flashoop

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7 条回复
2022-10-03 12:39:25 +08:00
move to /jobs
2022-10-03 16:09:36 +08:00
(跑个题,这个 `look forward` 用法对吗?哦,大概是要用 `look for`)
2022-10-03 16:49:30 +08:00
(先不说语法对不对,他这拼写就不对 forword )
2022-10-03 20:04:05 +08:00
2022-10-03 20:10:41 +08:00
@haoliang 省略了 We're ,所以 looking 是对的
2022-10-04 01:06:53 +08:00
@yun looking 是对的,但是 looking forward a dev 貌似就是错的,look forward to something
2022-10-05 13:15:31 +08:00
@zwpaper #6 应该是 looking for a dev to work ...

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