http://www.androidheadlines.com/2013/11/galaxy-nexus-gets-updated-gpu-binaries-breath-life-two-year-old-phone.htmlAs always, XDA is up to some good stuff with a new release of Android now available. Some developers are finding what appears to be updated binaries for the GPU that’s inside the Galaxy Nexus. KitKat was announced last week, and surprisingly, Google decided to drop support for the Galaxy Nexus. It’s surprising because KitKat can run on devices with 256MB of RAM, which the Galaxy Nexus has a full gigabyte of RAM available. We’ve already seen numerous custom ROMs flowing out for KitKat on the Galaxy Nexus. And it’s not just for the GSM Galaxy Nexus, but also the Verizon (Toro) and Sprint (Toroplus) versions.
It appears that Texas Instruments have updated the GPU binaries for the Galaxy Nexus. Now, Google may not have known that TI was going to update it or Google may not have told TI that they had given up on the two-year old device. But either way, developers are hard at work building an updated kernel that might help solve some of the graphical issues with KitKat on the Galaxy Nexus.
If you’re one of those many people out there still rocking the Galaxy Nexus, and not wanting to give it up just yet. It looks like you might get Christmas a bit early. As the new GPU binaries should definitely help out the Galaxy Nexus. Although, if you’ve held onto it this long, you’re probably due for an upgrade, since the device was released in November 2011. Hopefully this will help people get a long a bit more until the device finally chokes.
This is another reason why we love the developer community around Android. You won’t find a developer community like this behind the iPhone or anything iOS related. Back before I started here at AH, I had a couple of devices in which the manufacturer had given up on the device, but developers had continued to support it for years. Which was quite nice.
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