简言之,已经有人做过测试,Bionic Reading 并不会提高阅读效率,甚至会降低。
Does Bionic Reading actually work? We timed over 2,000 readers and the results might surprise you.
Daniel Doyon | 19 Jul 2022
tl;dr. Actually no, the results will probably not surprise you. After analyzing data from 2,074 testers, we found no evidence that Bionic Reading has any positive effect on reading speed. In fact, participants read 2.6 words per minute slower on average with Bionic Reading than without. That said, the difference here is so small (less than 1%), that the real takeaway is Bionic Reading has no impact on reading speed.
In June 2022, we posted an experiment to Hacker News, Reddit, and Twitter to test the claim that Bionic Reading enables you to read faster without any loss of comprehension.
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