原来 mac 上的容量都是假的。。

2022-07-05 00:10:01 +08:00

刚看到 512gb 的电脑实际可用有 500g 的时候还以为赚了,一般 512g 硬盘也就 465g 空间 苹果 500g

,1t 硬盘一般 930gb 苹果 1000gb


这样同样的文件 mac 里不会显示比其他系统更大吗

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28 条回复
2022-07-05 16:21:38 +08:00
@lynan 大事实啊,很多简体字的由来就是民用多了取代了原来的繁体字
2022-07-05 16:39:02 +08:00
# Units based on powers of 10
Definition of prefixes using powers of 10—in which 1 kilobyte (symbol kB) is defined to equal 1,000 bytes—is recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).[27] The IEC standard defines eight such multiples, up to 1 yottabyte (YB), equal to 10008 bytes.[28]

This definition is most commonly used for data-rate units in computer networks, internal bus, hard drive and flash media transfer speeds, and for the capacities of most storage media, particularly hard drives,[29] flash-based storage,[30] and DVDs[citation needed]. Operating systems that use this definition include macOS,[31] iOS,[31] Ubuntu,[32] and Debian.[33] It is also consistent with the other uses of the SI prefixes in computing, such as CPU clock speeds or measures of performance.

# Units based on powers of 2
A system of units based on powers of 2 in which 1 kibibyte (KiB) is equal to 1,024 (i.e., 210) bytes is defined by international standard IEC 80000-13 and is supported by national and international standards bodies (BIPM, IEC, NIST). The IEC standard defines eight such multiples, up to 1 yobibyte (YiB), equal to 10248 bytes.

An alternate system of nomenclature for the same units (referred to here as the customary convention), in which 1 kilobyte (KB) is equal to 1,024 bytes,[34][35][36] 1 megabyte (MB) is equal to 10242 bytes and 1 gigabyte (GB) is equal to 10243 bytes is mentioned by a 1990s JEDEC standard. Only the first three multiples (up to GB) are mentioned by the JEDEC standard, which makes no mention of TB and larger. The customary convention is used by the Microsoft Windows operating system[37][better source needed] and random-access memory capacity, such as main memory and CPU cache size, and in marketing and billing by telecommunication companies, such as Vodafone,[38] AT&T,[39] Orange[40] and Telstra.[41]

This definition was used by Apple Inc. operating systems prior to Mac OS X Snow Leopard and iOS 10 before switching to units based on powers of 10.[31]
2022-07-06 01:19:12 +08:00
@deplivesb 其实主要错误还是读音上面,很多人都会读成“yōu huì juàn”,而不是“yōu huì quàn”…
又例如“密钥”,正确读音为“mì yuè”,但很多人会读“mì yào”…
又例如“说服”,明明原来的读音为“shuì fú”,结果读“shuō fú”的人太多,最后反而后者成为了正确读音…
2022-07-06 11:39:53 +08:00
@orangy 这也很正常呀,不过很难说是语言的进化还是退化了。类似的还有,呆板,角色
2022-07-06 15:16:01 +08:00
@orangy 最窒息的莫过于写成「阀」还要专门读作 fa2 来表达「阈」 yu4 的含义。
2022-07-06 15:49:51 +08:00
确实,mac 下内存容量和硬盘容量的单位不统一。
2022-07-06 16:00:53 +08:00
Gigabytes vs Gibibytes 是苹果的老把戏了,更愁人的是你新买的电脑,用了没几天,再看你磁盘空间,除了 macOS 占了 20 几 GB ,还有个 系统数据(解读: https://www.drbuho.com/how-to/clear-system-storage-mac ),又是几十 G 没有了。之前跟苹果店的技术人员联系了,尝试方法:

屏幕最上方工具栏 > 前往 > 电脑 > 用户名称文件夹 > 用户 > 用户名称文件夹 > iCloud 云盘(归档),按照使用情况删除。

2022-07-06 21:17:01 +08:00
@pagxir 有些字台湾保留了古音(说服),有些字内地保留了古音(角色),算是顺应使用习惯吧…不过“说服”这个读音我很难理解,明明“说”就有“shuì”音,也有“游说( shuì)”一词,可是偏偏要改成“说( shuō)服”…
@xiaooloong 哈哈哈哈,那就很难受了…

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