北京时间 2022/06/23 13:42:29 开始 bwg cn2 gia 整个一段 路由好像都挂了

2022-06-23 14:44:44 +08:00

RT,国内找了几个点测试,路由到城域网就没了,啥情况? 有没有其他段也挂了?时间匆忙还没来得及细看

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6 条回复
2022-06-23 14:52:09 +08:00
2022-06-23 15:05:33 +08:00
@Tinyang 看了眼主机的管理后台,直接报错“Error
Unable to reach Target. This is a temporary problem; please try again in a few minutes. (v9116) (720923)” 好多年的祖传 bwg 主机了 好像头一遭挂这么彻底的
2022-06-23 15:21:33 +08:00
昨天 DC6 也挂了 2 小时
2022-06-23 15:34:57 +08:00
bwhstatus 说是 power outage ,几天前 dc6 也是 power outage……
2022-06-23 15:39:36 +08:00

22:48 PST: DC9 is experiencing a major power outage (both feeds, primary + redundant went offline). We are working with the datacenter to resolve this.
2022-06-23 21:49:47 +08:00
@sjw204 感谢回复提醒.刚看了下 update,好像问题还不小,醉了.
Virtual instances - Los Angeles, DC9 DC9 power outage
6 hours ago
22:48 PST: DC9 is experiencing a major power outage (both feeds, primary + redundant went offline). We are working with the datacenter to resolve this.

03:55 PST: Engineers are still working on this, expecting progress soon.

05:06 PST: Power was partially restored, however there are intermittent issues with PDUs we are currently looking into.

05:14 PST: Issue was escalated further; multiple engineers are now working on this to restore services asap.

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