[内推][新加坡 & 上海]虾皮 Promotion 新加坡团队急需前端牛人加入,有出国诉求的看过来!

2022-06-05 10:43:19 +08:00

重点:这是面向新加坡的职位!!! 上海团队也有少量前端架构师职位和大量 QA 职位,感兴趣也可以沟通


The Engineering and Technology team is at the core of the Shopee platform development. The team is made up of a group of passionate engineers from all over the world, striving to build the best systems with the most suitable technologies. Our engineers do not merely solve problems at hand; We build foundations for a long-lasting future. We don't limit ourselves on what we can or can't do; we take matters into our own hands even if it means drilling down to the bottom layer of the computing platform. Shopee's hyper-growing business scale has transformed the most "innocent" problems into huge technical challenges, and there is no better place to experience it first-hand if you love technologies as much as we do. Browse our Engineering and Technology team openings to see how you can make an impact with us.

About the Team:

Marketplace Promotion Web Frontend team is responsible for the frontend development for Shopee’s e-commerce web platforms. We focus on user-facing features (for both buyers and sellers), as well as, internal platforms used by our operators. We design stable and scalable architecture to support Shopee’s fast business growth. Shopee serves millions of users, and we seek to push the limit of web technologies. We continuously innovate to build internal state-of-the-art engineering solutions.

Job Description:


Good to have

2621 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
5 条回复
2022-06-05 12:16:32 +08:00
2022-06-05 12:42:09 +08:00
2022-06-05 18:18:33 +08:00
这里有一个新加坡的虾皮内推群啊,群主微信 base64: cGZkcjIwMjIwNQ==
2022-07-12 08:50:12 +08:00
@alpha4zeta 因为需要招人背 C ,每个季度都需要人背 C
2022-09-21 01:24:47 +08:00

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