[全职远程][成都](15-20k) 招聘 Java 后端 5-10 枚/测试工程师 1 枚

2022-05-23 18:44:08 +08:00
Software Engineer(Java x 5-10) (15-20k)

We need a long term java developer who can help us build our platform.

Experience: > 5 years
Location: ChengDu China

The candidate will join as a BE developer to develop the new features and maintain the management platform.

1. Fluent speaking English
2. Solid knowledge of Java/Kotlin programing
3. Familiar with SS2H, Mysql, Spring Boot, JQuery
4. Familiar with Nginx, Docker, Linux/Ubuntu
5. Familiar with RabbitMQ, Redis, ActiveMQ
6. ReactJS is plus
7. linux, Jquery, Javascripts

5 work days per week🎷, 4 days from home 🏡,, 1 day in office
14 paid leave per year🏖,
beautiful salary🚀.

Send your resume to cicitata@163.com
1709 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2022-05-24 04:56:54 +08:00
Fluent speaking English 劝退
2022-05-24 08:41:25 +08:00
1 day in office ? 必须有一天在办公室吗?
2022-05-24 13:56:45 +08:00
" Familiar with RabbitMQ,"差点看成 Reddit 了🤣。。。不好意思
PS 请问有其他岗位吗?冒昧的问一句 公司叫啥啊?谢谢
2022-05-30 14:19:21 +08:00
@liufude66 这个是理想状态,目前我们是 2 个月左右见一次面。

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