上海-不加班-外企-招 Java 、测试、C++ - 内推朋友入职成功奖励 5000 块

2022-05-06 10:27:44 +08:00
xsldebugger  xsldebugger



MicroFocus 成立于 1976 年,于 2017 年完成了与 HPE 的合并,是全球性的软件专营公司之一。

上海研发中心位于浦东新区张江高科技园(中科路地铁站),是 Micro Focus 在全球几个主要的研发中心之一,成立于 2008 年 11 月。现在有 600 多位工程师, 致力于多款主打软件产品的研发,产品主要包含 LoadRunner Professional, LoadRunner Cloud, ALM, UFT(QTP), Service Manager, 等,其中一些如 UFT ,LoadRunner 是目前市场占有率第一的软件。



简历投递(联系方式请通过 base64 转换)

请直接将简历发送到 xiansheng.lu@microfocus.com 格式如下:

邮件标题: 平台或渠道-内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三 简历名称: xiansheng Lu 内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 xiansheng Lu 内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三

若没有收到回复,请加微信 MTgyMjE1MDg5MjE= 备注 平台或渠道-内推-职级职位,如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-Expert

职位列表(链接请通过 base64 转)

这里仅仅列出 Key Requirements, 完整 JD 戳知乎 aHR0cHM6Ly96aHVhbmxhbi56aGlodS5jb20vcC80NzE3NjQ5NzU=拉钩 aHR0cHM6Ly9tLmxhZ291LmNvbS93bi9nb25nc2kvMzE2NTE1Lmh0bWw=

PPM Java Engineer / Expert / 7023131

Key Requirements:

UFTM Backend Engineer / Specialist/ 7023527

Key Requirements:

UFTM Java & Android Engineer / Expert / 7024413

Key Requirements:

UFT Python/C++ Engineer / Expert / 7024626

Key Requirements:

PE LR C++ / Specialist / 7024624

Key Requirements:

ALM Octane QA Engineer / Intermediate/ 7022615

Key Requirements:

1423 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
2 条回复
2022-08-24 22:36:16 +08:00
内推别人给我,成功送 5000 内推费!
MicroFocus 成立于 1976 年,于 2017 年完成了与 HPE 的合并,是全球性的软件专营公司之一。

上海研发中心位于浦东新区张江高科技园(中科路地铁站),是 Micro Focus 在全球几个主要的研发中心之一,成立于 2008 年 11 月。现在有 600 多位工程师, 致力于多款主打软件产品的研发,产品主要包含 LoadRunner Professional, LoadRunner Cloud, ALM, UFT(QTP), Service Manager, 等,其中一些如 UFT ,LoadRunner 是目前市场占有率第一的软件。

不加班( 9-6-5 ,周末从不加班,建议具体部门面试时再次确认)
14 薪(写进 offer )+ 年薪 5% 左右浮动的奖金
14 天年假
公司给员工配意外险,医疗险,寿险,重疾险, 看病基本不花钱
Intermediate 对应初中级,应该不到 18K
Specialist 对应中高级,区间大概是 18-25K 左右
Expert 对应高级、资深,区间大概是 25-38K 左右
简历投递(联系方式请通过 base64 转换)
请直接将简历发送到 xiansheng.lu@microfocus.com 格式如下:

邮件标题: 平台或渠道-内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三 简历名称: xiansheng Lu 内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 xiansheng Lu 内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三

若没有收到回复,请加微信 MTgyMjE1MDg5MjE= 备注 平台或渠道-内推-职级职位,如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-Expert 。

职位列表(链接请通过 base64 转)
这里仅仅列出 Key Requirements, 完整 JD 戳知乎 aHR0cHM6Ly96aHVhbmxhbi56aGlodS5jb20vcC80NzE3NjQ5NzU= ,拉钩 aHR0cHM6Ly9tLmxhZ291LmNvbS93bi9nb25nc2kvMzE2NTE1Lmh0bWw=

PPM Java Engineer / Expert / 7023131

Key Requirements:

BS/MS in Computer Science or related work experience
5+ years in software industry including participation in a few enterprise-class projects
Proficient in Java, e.g., Java threading model and JVM
Good knowledge in large-scale web application deployment (IIS, JBoss, Tomcat, cluster, load balance, proxy etc) , experience in JMX, JMS, etc.
Proficient in J2EE Servlets, JSP and most of the popular frameworks. e.g., Spring, Hibernate, Struts;
Experience in Java and Oracle SQL performance turning
Good knowledge of algorithm and object oriented programming.
UFTM Backend Engineer / Specialist/ 7023527

Key Requirements:

Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering, or above.
Strong English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
Minimum 2 years of technical experience in enterprise software development.
Professional experience in web application in Java using Spring/REST API.
Strong background in JAVA backend and significant exposure to other technologies.
Good database knowledge.
Strong design skills.
Experienced in software security.
UFTM Java & Android Engineer / Expert / 7024413

Key Requirements:

Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent
At least 5 years working experience in Java
Solid Core Java programming skill
Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver.
Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
UFT Python/C++ Engineer / Expert / 7024626

Key Requirements:

Bachelor in Computer Science / Computer Engineering
Minimum 3 years proven experience as a Software Developer
Minimum 1 years with C++ or Python
Strong application architecture understanding
Ability and will to influence – setting an agenda and striving to reach it. Results orientation
Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written)
PE LR C++ / Specialist / 7024624

Key Requirements:

Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering or higher
2~5 years of experience as software developer, mainly in C++ area
Good English communication capabilities (verbal and writing)
Good background in modern C++. Exposure to other technologies is a plus, e.g. Web, JavaScript, debugging, TCP/IP/network programming, etc.
Familiar with Windows or Linux application development
OOP\OOD understanding and proven practice. Strong application architecture understanding
Understanding of modern Version Control tools, like Git
ALM Octane QA Engineer / Intermediate/ 7022615

Key Requirements:

BS or MS degree in Computer Science, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience
QA knowledge - Design and execute tests according to specs (requirements), report bugs, QA methodologies etc.)
Fluent oral and written English
第 1 条附言 · 106 天前
纠正一下 UFTM Backend Engineer 是 Intermediate
2022-08-24 22:39:28 +08:00
邮件标题: 平台或渠道-内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三 简历名称: xiansheng Lu 内推-应聘职位-姓名, 如 xiansheng Lu 内推-PPM Java Engineer-张三

若没有收到回复,请加微信 MTgyMjE1MDg5MjE= 备注 平台或渠道-内推-职级职位,如 知乎-内推-PPM Java Engineer-Expert 。

职位列表(链接请通过 base64 转)
这里仅仅列出 Key Requirements, 完整 JD 戳知乎 aHR0cHM6Ly96aHVhbmxhbi56aGlodS5jb20vcC80NzE3NjQ5NzU= ,拉钩 aHR0cHM6Ly9tLmxhZ291LmNvbS93bi9nb25nc2kvMzE2NTE1Lmh0bWw=

PPM Java Engineer / Expert / 7023131

Key Requirements:

BS/MS in Computer Science or related work experience
5+ years in software industry including participation in a few enterprise-class projects
Proficient in Java, e.g., Java threading model and JVM
Good knowledge in large-scale web application deployment (IIS, JBoss, Tomcat, cluster, load balance, proxy etc) , experience in JMX, JMS, etc.
Proficient in J2EE Servlets, JSP and most of the popular frameworks. e.g., Spring, Hibernate, Struts;
Experience in Java and Oracle SQL performance turning
Good knowledge of algorithm and object oriented programming.
UFTM Backend Engineer / Specialist/ 7023527

Key Requirements:

Bachelor of Computer Science / Computer Engineering, or above.
Strong English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
Minimum 2 years of technical experience in enterprise software development.
Professional experience in web application in Java using Spring/REST API.
Strong background in JAVA backend and significant exposure to other technologies.
Good database knowledge.
Strong design skills.
Experienced in software security.
UFTM Java & Android Engineer / Expert / 7024413

Key Requirements:

Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent
At least 5 years working experience in Java
Solid Core Java programming skill
Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver.
Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
UFT Python/C++ Engineer / Expert / 7024626

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