ACM 会员很快看不了 OReilly 了

2022-05-03 09:25:11 +08:00

As a reminder, as of July 1, 2022, you will no longer have to access the O’Reilly Learning platform as a benefit of your ACM membership. Despite our best efforts, O’Reilly Media is unwilling to continue to license their content to ACM. Please finish your reading/training by 11:59 PM ET on June 30, 2022. If you wish to continue accessing O’Reilly Learning past this date, O’Reilly has extended a special introductory one-year subscription for $399 (plus VAT/Tax) for ACM members. You can find details on how to take advantage at:

We regret that O’Reilly is not willing to continue providing this service to ACM and hope that you will continue to enjoy other benefits of ACM membership, such as our Skillsoft collection (with thousands of online books and courses from publishers such as Manning Publications and No Starch Press), as well as ACM TechTalks, the ACM ByteCast series, and more. All of these can be found in the ACM Learning Center.

ACM will continue to explore new partnerships to deliver additional professional development benefits and other opportunities for lifelong learning.

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3 条回复
2022-05-03 09:26:33 +08:00
2022-05-03 14:59:07 +08:00
有 ACM 会员的情况下,要$399/year 有点贵啊
2022-05-04 06:38:23 +08:00

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