OIS - 从开源到订阅,月入 98K RMB

2022-04-26 14:30:58 +08:00

这几天,准备给自己的产品写个网页介绍,于是就在网络上搜了搜快速建站的资料。发现了这个开源产品 fullpage.js: https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js/#fullpagejs

然后就发现这个 fullpage.js 很不简单,按照一篇 3 年前的专访报道,这个产品已经月入 15K 美刀,按现在汇率算 98K 多人民币。

这个项目做了件特简单的事,就是让你的网页像幻灯片一样切换,每一页都是一个全屏的页面。这里可以体验: https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/ 。我相信大部分前端工程师都能手撸出同样的效果。

大概的收入来源:订阅; WordPress 插件; jQuery 插件。


主持人问:What motivated you to get started with fullPage.js?

作者答:It was the desire to learn new things and make something useful for others. I know this sounds very cliché but it is the truth. Making something is nice and all but it's an entirely new level when you see people actually using what you've created. That's where I got my motivation from, and it's the reason I continued to improve my product over three years without charging a single penny. As makers, we want others to value our efforts; this motivates us to keep improving our work. Much like a trainer who pushes you harder and harder until you bring your best.

I came up with the idea for fullPage.js when I had to build a website based on a full-screen slider effect. At that time there weren't any components designed to help developers in this task, so I had to code it all by myself.

专访原文: https://www.indiehackers.com/interview/making-15k-month-by-switching-my-freemium-product-to-paid-2771241389

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7 条回复
2022-04-26 15:07:29 +08:00
不错,可以搞个 newsletter 么
2022-04-26 18:15:47 +08:00
star 并不能不错过
2022-04-26 18:30:38 +08:00
弄个周刊,或提供 RSS 吧。
2022-04-26 20:08:11 +08:00

这里订阅: https://oistore.zhubai.love/
2022-04-27 11:01:14 +08:00
2022-04-27 11:56:32 +08:00
@BestXTools 订阅了,过几天给你周刊投稿个产品。
2022-04-27 13:30:19 +08:00
@teem 好,欢迎来投稿!

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